Pinning posts ?

Clare Carswell

Wed 4 Nov 2015, 15:36

Thanks for the thoughtful responses to my query. I think that for the Charlbury action on the refugee crisis that any meetings held are very important news and so can legitimately be placed as advance warning on the news page as well as a usual listing on the events page. There is clearly so much to say about the situation that the content may sit better on the news page and that would mean that the ad for the meeting on the Events page can be shorter.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Wed 4 Nov 2015, 10:57

Not sure if there's anything we can do about that - the event on the 18th is already on the Events page. If we were to add it as a one-liner to the front page it would be (at the time of writing) 20 items down on what's already the longest column on the page. Obviously everyone always wants the greatest prominence for their own events, but I'd encourage people to look at the Events page to find out what's happening in the future.

If it's something out of the ordinary you can, of course, post advance warning to the News page. But not for every event, please!

Liz Reason

Wed 4 Nov 2015, 09:51

An additional thought - we posted an event for 18th November to try and attract attendees but it doesn't actually 'appear' until so late in the day that it doesn't really operate as prior notification. One-liners would really help, with the main listing showing on or near the date.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Wed 4 Nov 2015, 08:38

The front page events listing does already hide long-running events after their first three or four days. Showing them as a one-liner on the events page too could be a good idea, and I'll give it some thought. I'm a bit loth to have a 'pinning' feature for events though - it'd be confusing if events started appearing out of chronological order!

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Wed 4 Nov 2015, 08:00

Thank you very much indeed, Clare. This is a 'problem' that arises from time to time and I hope Richard has ideas! Maybe after the first day, the entry could be a one liner rather like the listings for out-of-Charlbury events?

Clare Carswell

Wed 4 Nov 2015, 00:00

I just removed an event I have on the Events page for an exhibition at my studio gallery as it was sitting hogging the top spot on the page when underneath it is the far more important post about the Refugee Action meeting tomorrow evening 4th in the Corner House patiently waiting it's turn to move up the page. As my event lasts a week it won't supplant it though, hence I have deleted my post for 24 hours. I will re-post my event once that meeting has happened and am happy to make way so that once Yack and Yarn disappears off the page at midnight that the post re the meeting is top of the page. Is there a way that such an important event can be pinned to the top of the page, as one would on a blog, or does that involve partisanship on behalf of the webmaster as to what deserves such priority treatment ? I am sure that most would agree that to inform people of such an important event deserves as much help as possible.

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