Christopher Betts |
Thu 15 Oct 2015, 11:26 If you still need it I have a 250ml bottle of boiled, unopened I think, from the late-lamented Leigh's in Witney. Phone on 810569, I'm usually here. Christopher Betts |
Jon Carpenter
(site admin) |
Sun 11 Oct 2015, 22:49 Don't Relics have it in Witney? |
Clive Brooks |
Sun 11 Oct 2015, 16:00 Hi Malcolm Why boiled Linseed oil ? I have some raw linseed and possible boiled. Ring me 0777 2314563
Malcolm Biranek |
Sun 11 Oct 2015, 14:27 Looking for a small quantity of boiled linseed oil. I have tried several possible local sources in Chippy and Witney but they are either out of or no longer stock it. So if you happen to have any languishing in the shed or garage you no longer need please let me know. |
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