Sun 27 Sep 2015, 11:15 (last edited on Fri 2 Oct 2015, 08:23)
You may have seen the announcement from the BBC Countryfile about sponsored rambling to raise money for Children in Need On Saturday and Sunday 10th;/11th October www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/articles/1MzLRtkQJgjFtMxT4jggGPN/countryfile-ramble-for-bbc-children-in-need Charlbury Walkers are welcome would like to organise some walks for this but first would like to know the level of in interest and also how far you would like to walk So if you are interested please either reply on this Forum or email me at merrytony@outlook.com You should get your own sponsorship - forms at downloads.bbc.co.uk/tv/countryfile/Countryfile_CIN_Ramble_Sponsorship_Form.pdf and as these are not Cotswold Wardens walks you may bring dogs on a lead