Phone problem

Lesley Algar

Sat 5 Sep 2015, 17:58

Yes I have had crackling on the line the last few days and my broadband connection keeps dropping. I have reported it to John Lewis, but we are all dependant on BT, who own everything, sorts it out.

Alex Flynn

Fri 4 Sep 2015, 23:27

Check there are broadband filters in every phone socket in your house (assuming you are using home broadband of course)?

Simon Walker

Fri 4 Sep 2015, 21:12

It's been raining a lot recently, so water may have got into a connection box or through the cable insulation somewhere on the line to your house. The first thing to do is to check that it's not actually a problem with your phone itself - plug in another handset and see if the problem is still there. If it is, then a call to BT will be in order.

Peter Bridgman

Fri 4 Sep 2015, 20:47

I have a severe crackle on my house phone, sometimes it is so bad that I can barely hear a Caller. Does anyone else have this problem in Charlbury?

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