Charlbury Mobile phones re-connected - claim O2!

Susie Burnett

Wed 5 Aug 2015, 20:39

As I just mentioned in my post on another thread, I've received the following statement in an email from O2 this evening: 'We'll be carrying out some maintenance on our phone masts in this area on the 11 August.' so presumably only fully restored until then!? I also received a telephone call from O2 saying that work would be continuing during August & that this may affect service.

Trevor Taylor

Wed 5 Aug 2015, 20:02

O2 claim that full service has now been restored to the town following upgrade work on the local mobile phone mast. The work affected O2 and Vodafone customers. O2 say that customers in and around Charlbury should now get full 3G coverage. How is your reception? If you are not able to use the full 3G service please let us know at CAMPUS - Charlbury Area Mobile Phone Users - a local lobby group set up to fight for better mobile phone coverage. email us at

Trevor Taylor.

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