Wilderness 24 hour Complaints line

russell robson

Mon 10 Aug 2015, 12:33

As a former rights of way officer I can confirm that the Highways Act does cover footpaths. RoW legislation is the duty of OCC not WODC. They are based in Eynsham. A tempoary diversion would require OCC notification, however as the path could still be used, I walked it, there is no need for a diversion.

A temporary structure for land management purposes is allowed for landowners. Whilst the Heras fencing crossed the path it was still openable and is light enough to be moved by a 7 yr old girl.

Liz Leffman

Mon 10 Aug 2015, 10:49 (last edited on Mon 10 Aug 2015, 10:52)

I will ensure that this is brought to the attention of officers as part of the review, so that they ask the right questions regarding that footpath next year

Alan Wilson

Mon 10 Aug 2015, 10:02

I'm interested to see the comments about the public footpath being blocked. I reported this problem to WODC last year after encountering two walkers in the field on the other side of the B4022 who had found they couldn't follow the walk on their maps and were trying to get back to Charlbury without having to walk all the way along the main road. I was happy to allow them to use my garden to get back onto a recognised route, but felt there was something not quite right about a public footpath being blocked with no notice.

WODC confirmed that no application had been made to close the footpath, and that this should not happen without such an application. Perhaps naively, I thought that once this had been pointed out, the council might actually want to ensure that things were done properly this year! Since it doesn't look like this has happened, I wonder whether one of our local councillors could ask why not?

Angus B

Sun 9 Aug 2015, 22:43


"If the path is blocked deliberately it's a criminal offence under Section 137 of the Highways Act 1980. Offenders can face a fine and criminal record."

Paul Taylor

Sun 9 Aug 2015, 21:10

Highways act does not and never has include public footpath across fields that's a totally different department fact.

Hannen Beith

Sun 9 Aug 2015, 20:53

I have no intention of pursuing this. I merely sought to bring to the community's attention the law regarding these matters. I have after all spent 8 years advising a local authority on such matters.
I was surprised to receive an email via this site from a woman who should know better, asking me to desist from proffering "legal jargon".
Internet trolling is alive and well in Charlbury, even though she couldn't spell my name correctly.
I suggest you (you know who you are) tread carefully and summon up the courage to post your objections to my comments publicly.

Paul Taylor

Sun 9 Aug 2015, 16:23

I think you would have a hard time getting any criminal conviction over a blocked footpath possibly they might bring the death penalty back

Hannen Beith

Sun 9 Aug 2015, 10:24

It's a criminal offence under section 137 of the Highways Act 1980 to block a public footpath without a Diversion Order from the highways authority. Punishable by a fine and a criminal record.
Ask them for a copy of the diversion order. ;-)

John Munro

Fri 7 Aug 2015, 18:40

Its where the avenue of trees are just beyond the lake and business park, there is security fencing preventing one from walking up between the trees. We eventually walked further along the road and then cut back in to the avenue of trees, but when we then got to the top end of the avenue they have a whole 'wall' of fencing which prevents you from going across to the edge of the field that you then take to reach Southill Park...we had to manhandle our way through the fencing.....

Andrew Chapman

Fri 7 Aug 2015, 18:15

Where exactly was the blockage, John? (Do you mean on the bit between North Lodge and Southill?) And anyone know what the diversion might be? Thanks

John Munro

Fri 7 Aug 2015, 16:32

Spoke to a very nice lady called Sam on the complaint line. She made enquiries and came back to say that they forgot to put any diversion signs out and were now going out to erect them. Actually have my doubts, as when we walked back from Finstock nothing had changed, so would be good to hear from any other locals who walk across to confirm they are now up.
Still doesn't explain why we waited for over 30 minutes this morning for Control not to get back to the security guys, which suggests they hadn't realised that a footpath had been blocked.

Pearl Manners

Fri 7 Aug 2015, 14:35 (last edited on Fri 7 Aug 2015, 14:54)

I am getting very poor reception today on Vodafone whereas since the update it had been brilliant. Is this due to possible overload from people at Wilderness, it does somehow seem related and I'm sure it happened last year?

John Munro

Fri 7 Aug 2015, 14:31

Unfortunately, as soon as I can actually get a signal, I am going to have to phone the complaint line as the PUBLIC footpath between Charlbury and Finstock has been blocked by security fencing in two places and there isn't a single sign or notice to that effectt or any advice on how to get through. To make matters worse, the 2 numpties posing as security around the business park area were totally disinterested, seemed unable to operate Walkie-talkies and when they got through eventually, got diddly- squat from Control. We wasted 30 minutes waiting to find out what was going on and got nowhere

Steven Fairhurst Jones

Wed 5 Aug 2015, 21:27

I phoned them just now with a minor query and they were very nice. No complaints from me - I'm looking forward to overhearing the music and seeing lots of festival-dressed visitors round town, hopefully buying local stuff and spending money in our pubs, shops and taxis.

Jean Adams

Wed 5 Aug 2015, 17:37

Vodafone coverage is fine now. The complaint has already been dealt with and the light removed or repositioned.

Miles Walkden

Wed 5 Aug 2015, 17:22

Alan, you should call the number and complain.

Alan Wilson

Wed 5 Aug 2015, 12:32

Jean, I'm not sure I understand exactly what you are saying here. Surely you don't mean that the 24-hour line can only be called from a mobile and not a landline? That would be absurd, and would completely negate the whole concept of a contact point for the management team given that residents are most likely to have a problem (for example with noise) when they are at home, and given the problems with mobile coverage in Charlbury at present. And what about people without mobiles - do they just not count, these days?

In any case, I hope you have had a positive response to your issue with the lighting. I have been very struck with how much the site has been lit up at night for several days already, even though my understanding is that the festival isn't due to start until Friday, with some camping from tomorrow.

Jean Adams

Wed 5 Aug 2015, 12:07

Sorry, available by mobile not land line. I should have known. Complaint registered.

Jean Adams

Wed 5 Aug 2015, 10:13 (last edited on Wed 5 Aug 2015, 12:04)

Dave, 0203 823 5940 This number not working.I wished to ask if they can reposition a very very brilliant large light facing Baywell Cottage 24hrs.It is alongside the footpath

Romaine Schmidt

Wed 5 Aug 2015, 08:24 (last edited on Wed 5 Aug 2015, 08:27)

Thanks Dave . I am very much looking forward to this fab festival. My only grumble is we have seem to have lots of HGV's coming through park St and going over the bridge. Pretty poor signage by their traffic control and drivers are also ignoring the weight limit signs.

Dave Oates

Thu 30 Jul 2015, 09:40 (last edited on Thu 30 Jul 2015, 09:41)

There should be Russell

russell robson

Wed 29 Jul 2015, 10:25

Is there compliments line?

Miles Walkden

Wed 29 Jul 2015, 09:23

Wow! i can complain 24 hours now? Cant wait.

Dave Oates

Tue 28 Jul 2015, 16:15

From this afternoon's meeting at The Bell (the first of 2 today, with the next one at 7), I have been asked by the Wilderness Management team to post the 24 hour complaints number if anyone has issues with the event. This is 0203 823 5940

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