Mobile Phone Issues - Both O2 and Vodafone - Compensation

Pearl Manners

Mon 27 Jul 2015, 18:09 (last edited on Mon 27 Jul 2015, 18:37)

I do not have a signal from Vodafone and I am close by the Fire Station.

In BBC news (on line) there is a piece about Charlbury 'residents fury' about no reception for O2 but not mentioning it effecting Vodafone as well.

I have now put it on my FB to see if more people might complain.

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Mon 27 Jul 2015, 17:37

I still have no signal from Vodafone :(

Mark Sulik

Mon 27 Jul 2015, 17:25

it looks like the compensation from Vodafone is better than O2

if not on tomorrow, maybe someone should contact Central News, a " live from Charlbury " with the offer for Vodafone and O2 to comment ?

mark s

Mon 27 Jul 2015, 17:18

vodafone is working.been on for a couple of hours.. i can't speak for O2, but chatting pleasantly with customer services from Vodafone has resulted in a good and more than acceptable refund for my partner and i on the next bill.. Cheers Vodafone..

Trevor Taylor

Mon 27 Jul 2015, 14:56

Mark, well done. I have been told on two occasions O2 will not pay compensation.

I think the only way to make these mobile phone companies change their attitude to customers is through publicity. A few lonely voices can be ignored - mass media cannot.

And, like you, I suspect tomorrow's 6pm deadline will pass and still no signal.

We await developments.

Pearl Manners

Mon 27 Jul 2015, 14:50

I agree WEB chat is the best way to contact vodafone to get a definite response, they said I will be refunded for 7days but now thinking about it it should be more like 9 days as they haven't taken into account the fact we didn't get it back over weekend, apart from few intermittent texts.That is provided we do get it back tomorrow of course.

Mark Sulik

Mon 27 Jul 2015, 12:13 (last edited on Mon 27 Jul 2015, 12:22)

i have started a new topic as Vodafone need to take some of the responsibility as they have not been active , until i have had both WEB chat and a discussion with the technical team.

why did the network providers not provide a temporary mast as they do for emergency and sporting events ?? Perhaps....they just don't care.----- see the comment below which is an extract from my WEB Chat with Vodafone at 11.30 today....who want to bet its not working by 6. pm tomorrow.

Yes Mark, we would not like you to pay for a service that you are unable to use so we would request you to please contact us once the issue is resolved so that we can calculate the total number of days that you were unable to use the service and add 50% discount on line rental as compensation to your account for the inconvenience caused.

God bless BT !! - Mark

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