BT Fibre Optic Broadband & Ipads

mark s

Tue 21 Jul 2015, 16:49

Sorry Deborah but i'm all out of ideas.. but if all else fails you could always try the all knowing 'Google' and see what that brings up.. Good luck.

Deborah Longshaw

Mon 20 Jul 2015, 21:15

Thanks guys. Susie my IPad is only two years old. It is an IPad Air. Mark it can be any App I am on, although predominantly Facebook, streaming films & TV programs. It was fine before. Richard will try thanks.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Mon 20 Jul 2015, 20:21

There are known issues with iPads and some routers. If you go into the router's internal menus and turn the QoS ("Quality of Service") or WMM setting off, this may fix it.

mark s

Mon 20 Jul 2015, 19:25

Really, your iPad should have no problem what so ever now you've upgraded to fibre optic and to be honest as long as you were getting a download speed of at least 2.8 Mbps you would of been fine before.. What are you trying to 'Stream'? IPlayer? Sky Go? YouTube? does your iPad have all the latest updates.? is the iPad connecting to your wifi? sometimes switching the iPad off and back on will sort out minor niggles, if its something like Iplayer (app) try uninstalling it then reinstall the app.. let me know how you get on..

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Mon 20 Jul 2015, 09:53

Apparently it's to do with the internal workings of the iPad especially if your's is a little old. Before we swapped to high speed broadband the speeds I got were only something like 0.9mps download. Now I get a massive 25mps ! But the PC is 70mps. Blame Apple and check out their forum sites. My husband's Samsung tablet is fine.

Deborah Longshaw

Sun 19 Jul 2015, 09:58

Hi hoping someone might be able to help here, since BT have been less the useless,

Have just finally been able to upgrade to 'high speed broadband', all good on my laptop but having real problems with the streaming on my IPad. Is there anyone on here who has experienced similar, & if so how did they remedy it?

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