Location of Banner.

Dave Gamble

Tue 4 Oct 2005, 12:41

In August, David Walton invited people to send in photo's for the banner. (Prize on offer!) Has anyone taken up the challenge?
Also, I asked if anybody remembered David & myself from our time in Charlbury. Apart from John Harrison, I guess the answer is no! I'm very disappointed!
Finally, if anyone would care to go to features & click on 'Old Pictures-People, there is a photo' of 'The Ripchords'-early 60s band.
Can anybody name the three members? John Harrison, you're banned, for the time being!! A clue? Say hello to a certain Charlbury hairdresser for me.

Dave Gamble

Wed 3 Aug 2005, 08:42

Hi David, glad to hear that all is well.
An interesting challenge you have set the Charlbury snappers! As for a suitable prize, let's hope it's not the gnat's water you call beer in Australia!! Should be interesting to see if you get any takers.
My apologies to you, John Harrison. It slipped my mind that you knew us both. Does anyone else on this site?

david t walton

Wed 3 Aug 2005, 03:44

Hello Dave - All is well"Downunder".And a G'day to John H.
I thought the idea of changing the Banner, perhaps every 3 months,is an exellent idea.Are there any budding photographers in Charlbury who may wish to contribute? How about a competition for the best pic'? I will donate a suitable prize for a years supply!!

john h

Tue 2 Aug 2005, 19:42

i remember you both, of the davids

john harrrison

Malcolm Blackmore

Mon 1 Aug 2005, 18:30

fx /on Two month resident of Charlbury genuflects to venerable forumers fx/off

Dave Gamble

Mon 1 Aug 2005, 14:41

I thought I recognised the view. The last time I saw it was from David Walton's house in 1962!
Hi David, how are things in Oz. I'm probably the only person on here that does remember you even tho' I left Charlbury youth hostel in '62!
Come on people, prove me wrong!!

Malcolm Blackmore

Mon 25 Jul 2005, 18:25

"Hush here comes a
Whizz Bang
And it might be coming
For YOU!"

(for those of us old enough to remember that one!)

Mike Williams

Mon 25 Jul 2005, 15:51

What happened to the hellicopters ?

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Fri 22 Jul 2005, 13:18

It's from my back garden, so yes, Nine Acres Close looking towards Spelsbury.

david t walton

Fri 22 Jul 2005, 05:13

Just logged on to the Charlbury Site.Is the picture taken from somewhere in Nine Acres Lane looking towards Spelsbury?
I used to live in Nine Acres Lane some 40 years ago and it looks familiar."Hello" to all that may remember me -- for better or worse!!

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