Unpleasant things.

Hannen Beith

Fri 26 Jun 2015, 11:05

Thanks Liz.

Liz Reason

Fri 26 Jun 2015, 07:49

Oh dear Hannen, I'm sorry to hear that. I will ensure that we pick up the matter of the bus shelter and bin as the town council. I can't promise that we can do anything but we will do our best.

Hannen Beith

Thu 25 Jun 2015, 13:26 (last edited on Thu 25 Jun 2015, 13:27)

I don't know if any Town or District Councillor can do anything about this but I am unhappy!
I live near Fiveways. As some of you may know there is a bus shelter and litter bin there.
The bus shelter is across the road from the bus stop. It's rarely used as a result, mainly, as I have observed, by youths who enjoy kicking the glass after dark. I rely on public transport, and if it is raining heavily, I wait at the shelter. The other day, I was sharing it with an elderly woman. She warned me to be very careful when I saw my bus approaching. The buses come one way and "Fiveways'" traffic the other. So if you are waiting there and see your bus you might get squashed dashing across the road.
There is plenty of space to site a new shelter by the bus stop, which would make sense.
The bin. Who uses it? It's across the way! My Wife and I collect all manner of things from our garden - understandably, because no-one is going to cross the road to a remote bin when it's easier to chuck it over our wall.
It's a chore, but not the end of the world. However, last week I had to collect and dispose of a "personal" item, which I would not want to describe in detail here.
So could someone address these points please and consider re-siting the bus shelter and bin by the bus stop?

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