Jackie Hague |
Mon 22 Jun 2015, 11:04 Jean, thank you for your latest post. |
russell robson |
Mon 22 Jun 2015, 06:48 The orion nebula? Is that what we call the Spelsbury Rd now? It's full of black holes. |
Richard Fairhurst
(site admin) |
Sun 21 Jun 2015, 21:52 Jean, thank you. Jackie, I suggest you don't spend any time or money considering it then! Without wanting to inject too much realism into the ever-colourful Charlbury rumour mill, I'd gently point out that shared space in Cirencester Market Place is costing £1.5m; that Oxfordshire County Council is our highway authority; and that OCC's budget currently resembles nothing more than the black hole in the Orion Nebula. The chances of a big-budget shared space scheme across the town are therefore roughly similar to the Corner House being adopted as the seat of Parliament while repairs are carried out to the Palace of Westminster. But I realise that by making that comparison I've probably just started another hare running... |
Jean Adams |
Sun 21 Jun 2015, 21:17 It would appear that I misunderstood the information, for which I apologise, and all the pavements will not be removed However, it will remain to be seen that shared space in one or two areas is under consideration. |
russell robson |
Sat 20 Jun 2015, 13:09 It appears to me that most residents in Charlbury already wander about in the roads anyway, aged or young. Shared space for the centre of Charlbury would be great and turn Wychwood Paddocks or the playing close into car parking for local residents and also have a maximum of two cars per household. |
Richard Fairhurst
(site admin) |
Sat 20 Jun 2015, 11:23 I am not entirely comfortable with having the forum used for vague allegations like this. Jean, perhaps you could elaborate on what you're talking about, rather than just putting up a straw man (or, to give it a local flavour, an Aunt Sally!).
graham W |
Sat 20 Jun 2015, 11:13 I wasn't saying it would work here, but sometimes to much restriction can cause distraction. I fully accept that there narrow roads here but where this so you cannot have marking depicting who has the right of way, so by not having them, both parties give way to each other. A classic example would be in Hixet Wood, it is to narrow to have vehicle instructions let alone a pedestrian one. |
Jackie Hague |
Sat 20 Jun 2015, 08:51 Couldn't agree more with Jean and Mark. A crazy idea, totally unnecessary and not something to spend time or money even considering. |
Mark Purcell |
Fri 19 Jun 2015, 23:37 Agreed, Jean. Completely barmy. And, no, Bruges isn't some traffic-free Nirvana. Large parts of the city centre are chaos. |
Jean Adams |
Fri 19 Jun 2015, 21:37 This is not Bruges. In Charlbury we have narrow roads, many elderly residents, some with motorised vehicles and parents with small children and buggies. We also have Commercial delivery vehicles and buses, all competing for the same space. |
graham W |
Fri 19 Jun 2015, 20:50 Jean it could work, If you go to the centre ofBruges there are no traffic lights, no white lines, no pavements etc absolutely no indication of who has right of way, so everyone parks sensibly, drives very slowly and pedestrains look where they are going! |
Jean Adams |
Fri 19 Jun 2015, 19:57 Am I dreaming, or has someone actually thought up this hair-brained scheme to have all roads in Charlbury shared space. Are elderly people or parents with children considered? Parking is terrible at present so where will the cars park? No, I must be dreaming. |
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