Trees at Elmstead, Crawborough

Andrew Chapman

Tue 2 Jun 2015, 13:07 (last edited on Tue 2 Jun 2015, 13:08)

Sadly these trees are now to be felled tomorrow.

Charlie Peacock

Thu 21 May 2015, 16:14

Very sad about the decision of WODC and that there is no requirement in circumstances such as these for the trees to be replaced.
The beauty of trees can be restored by their replacement and I, and many others, would welcome this action taking place.
I am offering £50.00 as a starting point to fund the cost of new trees and would welcome further donations from local residents. Please contact me if you are of a similar mind.

Liz Leffman

Wed 20 May 2015, 09:44

Thank you for letting us know, Janet. It is very sad when such old trees have reached the end of their natural life. I do hope that this news will clear up the misunderstandings that have been circulating. I understand from Nick Dalby there is no requirement in circumstances such as these for the trees to be replaced, so please don't let's have a discussion about this or further speculation as to the future of Janet's garden!

Janet Jeffs

Wed 20 May 2015, 09:28

My family moved into Elmstead from Church Street in 1960. We planted the chestnut tree (grown from a conker by the Burns family in Church Street) and most of the other trees in the garden, which have been regularly inspected and maintained by the same tree surgeon for about a decade. The lime tree was already a mature tree in 1960 and one third of the dying crown had to be removed and the chestnut tree trimmed about five years ago because of fungal disease. The latest inspection indicated that the lime and chestnut trees had reached the end of their life, and so a Notice was sent to the District Council. Nick Dalby from WODC inspected the two trees on Friday, and has now written formally to confirm that the Council does not wish to intervene by making them the subject of a tree preservation order. He found both trees to be in poor condition and deteriorating, and has no objection to the felling. Having watched the beauty of the trees for so many years, I am very sad that they have to be removed: there will be no more winter sunsets framed by the lime branches.

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