Cotswold Voluntary Warden Walk Saturday 15th April

Brett Porter

Mon 27 Apr 2015, 13:54

I wasn't able to participate in this walk and the event no longer appears to be accessible.

Are there details anywhere so that I can retrace the steps and learn some of the history?

Tony H Merry

Sun 26 Apr 2015, 19:57

Oh Dear
Obviously a warp in the space-time continuum in Charlbury
I would just like to thank all those who came along on Saturday. I think everyone enjoyed it, saw three very different churches and also learnt a bit of local history.
The next walk will be the Boundary Walk on Sunday 10th May. This is quite a bit longer but if you hesitate at walking the full 12 miles or so you can always join and leave at road crossings. Hqarriet Baldwin will be leading us again and there will be a break for lunch. Full details will be on our new notice board at the Coop.

Angus B

Fri 24 Apr 2015, 23:08 (last edited on Fri 24 Apr 2015, 23:10)

Do you mean Saturday 25th?

Tony H Merry

Fri 24 Apr 2015, 20:51

If you look on events you will see details of this walk but I just wanted to highlight a lot of history that we will talk about during the walk.
From Anglo Saxon to Charles II there are quite a few stories to tell connected to the three churches, Charlbury, Shorthampton and Spelsbury that we will visit on the walk.
Also they are three very different Churches and also interesting walks between them
As a final treat we go back Cauldron Mill now with a new water wheel in the process of being used to generate electricity.
So lots of interest, easy walking and frequent stops on a varied and non-strenuous walk.
So if you have 3 hours spare why not join us for a healthy walk
Starts from the spenlove car park at 10.00am return about 1.00 pm
Tony Merry Harriet Baldwin

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