Stories From SAKI

Tim Widdows

Sat 25 Apr 2015, 09:11

This is your last chance to see "Stories from Saki" tonight we had a great 2nd night yesterday and there's still this last chance to come and see what everyone is talking about ! with tickets still available for tonight's performance, doors and bar open at 7pm and curtain up at 7.30pm
Tickets £9.00 or £7.00 cons available from Cotswold Frames, the Post Office and News & Things or on the door.

"Stories from Saki" adapted and directed by Deirdre Kincaid

H.H. Munro ('Saki') casts a satirical eye on the doings of the upper- and upper-middle classes of Edwardian England. Life seems to be one long house-party for these people, but among the exquisite manners and the appreciation of fine wines and food lurk scandals, self-seeking schemes gone awry, and bizarre happenings.

- A cat who has been taught to speak reveals more than the house-party guests would wish;
- the country peace of a small village proves more sinister than it looks;
- legacy-seeking sisters' plans go down the drain when their aunt discovers the high life;
- a terribly serious church historian has an embarrassing sideline;
- a man practised in Siberian shamanism turns a lady into a wolf ��" or does he?
- a man in search of a rest-cure meets his match in a mischievous teenage girl;
- an embarrassed man tries to rid his clothing of a mouse while sharing a train compartment with a lady;
- and more!

Tim Widdows

Fri 24 Apr 2015, 13:54

There you go a very successful opening night yesterday and there's still chance to come and see it with tickets still available for tonight and tomorrow nights performance doors and bar open at 7pm and curtain up at 7.30pm
Tickets £9.00 or £7.00 cons available from Cotswold Frames, the Post Office and News & Things or on the door.

"Stories from Saki" adapted and directed by Deirdre Kincaid

H.H. Munro ('Saki') casts a satirical eye on the doings of the upper- and upper-middle classes of Edwardian England. Life seems to be one long house-party for these people, but among the exquisite manners and the appreciation of fine wines and food lurk scandals, self-seeking schemes gone awry, and bizarre happenings.

- A cat who has been taught to speak reveals more than the house-party guests would wish;
- the country peace of a small village proves more sinister than it looks;
- legacy-seeking sisters' plans go down the drain when their aunt discovers the high life;
- a terribly serious church historian has an embarrassing sideline;
- a man practised in Siberian shamanism turns a lady into a wolf ��" or does he?
- a man in search of a rest-cure meets his match in a mischievous teenage girl;
- an embarrassed man tries to rid his clothing of a mouse while sharing a train compartment with a lady;
- and more!

Elaine Newbold

Thu 23 Apr 2015, 21:43

just got back from SAKI what an enjoyable evening not to be missed - tickets still available from the Post Office

Mark Purcell

Thu 23 Apr 2015, 14:32

Not the one about Sredni Vashtar the ferret-god, and the aunt?

Tim Widdows

Thu 23 Apr 2015, 13:34 (last edited on Thu 23 Apr 2015, 13:39)

Still tickets available for CADS current production which opens tonight doors and bar open at 7pm and curtain up at 7.30pm
Tickets £9.00 or £7.00 cons available from Cotswold Frames, the Post Office and News & Things or on the door.

"Stories from Saki" adapted and directed by Deirdre Kincaid

H.H. Munro ('Saki') casts a satirical eye on the doings of the upper- and upper-middle classes of Edwardian England. Life seems to be one long house-party for these people, but among the exquisite manners and the appreciation of fine wines and food lurk scandals, self-seeking schemes gone awry, and bizarre happenings.

- A cat who has been taught to speak reveals more than the house-party guests would wish;
- the country peace of a small village proves more sinister than it looks;
- legacy-seeking sisters' plans go down the drain when their aunt discovers the high life;
- a terribly serious church historian has an embarrassing sideline;
- a man practised in Siberian shamanism turns a lady into a wolf ��" or does he?
- a man in search of a rest-cure meets his match in a mischievous teenage girl;
- an embarrassed man tries to rid his clothing of a mouse while sharing a train compartment with a lady;
- and more!

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