Estate Agents...

Angus B

Thu 30 Apr 2015, 23:16

I would also commend Fairfax. When we bough our property he was very helpful, professional and kept us informed with his local knowledge.

Elizabeth Watson

Thu 30 Apr 2015, 22:39

Have to agree with comments here, that Matthew (from Faifax) definitely needs to be singled out as a delightful person, who certainly deals with clients in a polite and professional manner....

Paul Rassam

Mon 27 Apr 2015, 19:13

Another vote for Matthew Reynolds at Fairfax & Co, who I too found absolutely invaluable for his help and knowledge of local property.

Mark Sulik

Fri 24 Apr 2015, 14:27

I have used Fairfax and Co to purchase , sell and rent . very good . Local Knowledge of property in Charlbury and good service.

Suzy M-H

Fri 24 Apr 2015, 10:13

Well it was 14 years ago but I found Matthew at Fairfax in Charlbury to be very helpful. I'm so glad that he encouraged us to buy this house despite all the work that needed doing.

Hamish Nichol

Fri 24 Apr 2015, 09:34

Interesting that the majority are assuming that comments would be defamatory. Given that there's rarely legal action for positive reviews I think this says a lot of people's experiences of local estate agents?!!

Personally, about seven years ago I had a no problems at all purchasing through King and Woolley of Chippy, though haven't sold through local agents so can't comment as a seller.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Thu 23 Apr 2015, 14:25

Very happy for people to post recommendations here, as they've been doing so far in this thread. Thanks for your consideration in not posting anything defamatory!

Hannen Beith

Thu 23 Apr 2015, 13:33

Agree Charlie, and not just because I have a vested interest. These are dangerous waters, and a defamatory statement on this website would make the website vulnerable to an action as well as the person who makes the statement.

charlie clews

Thu 23 Apr 2015, 11:43

As we're currently mid way through the process I can offer no comment. As per Hannens comment though is this really appropriate topic for the forum? Fair enough if your asking for local recommendations, but "rate my estate agent" this is not.

Hannen Beith

Thu 23 Apr 2015, 10:46

A good way to open yourself up to a lawsuit for defamation.

Charlie M

Thu 23 Apr 2015, 08:18

When I bought my house here in 1995, Tayler & Fletcher were absolutely brilliant.

Naomi Berger

Wed 22 Apr 2015, 19:03 (last edited on Wed 22 Apr 2015, 19:04)

Don't know if Woodstock counts as local. We had excellent service from Brecon&Brecon when selling.

Liz Gupta

Wed 22 Apr 2015, 14:12

Great idea but I am afraid I have buried the horrendous experience I had buying our house pretty deep as it was so remarkably unpleasant!

Elizabeth Watson

Wed 22 Apr 2015, 11:36 (last edited on Wed 22 Apr 2015, 11:44)

We thought, given that there is a facility available to 'rate' local and national pubs/restaurants/hotels etc via various websites (TripAdvisor/ etc) that we would ask the question, here, as to what experiences people have had from our local estate agents, both for letting, selling and buying their homes? In this world of openness and transparency, it appears that there is no such forum for feedback or accountability within this sector and we thought it might be an interesting exercise to ascertain what forum members' experiences were from our local estate agents, both good and bad…

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