Gardening comments

Peter Bridgman

Tue 21 Apr 2015, 10:09

Following on about wallflowers. To get decent sized plants for next year, sow seeds before early June, Preferably into pots of seed raising compost, or dilute mutipurpose with Vermiculite, 30% Prick off into multitrays and line out on spare ground in July 9" apart. Plant in final places in Autumn. Winter brassicas, such as sprouting broccoli, Winter cabbage and Spring hearting cauliflowers should be sown next month treated as for wallflowers. You can do this for other biennials such as Sweet william, forget me nots foxglove etc. If bean and pea seedlings are being pulled out of the ground and left to die it is most likely to be jackdaws or rooks that are to blame, not pigeons. but pigeons will strip the foliage form peas and cabbages.I hope these comments help!

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