Town Council Vacancy

Tony H Merry

Thu 16 Apr 2015, 08:11

There is a vacancy on the Town Council due to an unexpected resignation of Reg James.
This position will only be for a year as there will be another Town Council election next year. So this is a good opportunity to see if you like being a councillor. I think many of those who post on the Forum obviously care about the Town and have views on a number of subjects which are discussed in our meetings.
It is not necessarily a big commitment - we have two evening meetings per month with no requirement to attend every one. Of course many of us get more involved i certain areas but this is our choice.
If you have an interest then you can contact our Town Clerk Roger Clarke who can give you information about the council and details of how to apply. we would really like to see people put their names forward rather than us having to co-opt someone. There is a lot happening around Charlbury at the moment and we need people on the council who can represent all viewpoints.
Contact details;
Roger Clarke (Town Clerk)
Tel: 01608 810608

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