Little Lees Development

Andy Graham

Tue 7 Jul 2015, 00:34

little lees development was deferred today. This was to enable more consideration be given on a number of points including access and safety.

Helen Wilkinson

Mon 6 Jul 2015, 22:00

Does anyone know the outcome of this application? According to the planning portal it went to committee this week.

Pat Court

Tue 28 Apr 2015, 15:11

Dear Ben
To be precise we had an agreement with the late Mr Ede to buy a small piece of land within a certain numbers of years but subsequently cancelled the agreement and the land reverted to builder Ede with no cost to either party, I.e we did not "buy" the land or "sell" the land.

Ben Smith

Tue 28 Apr 2015, 12:37 (last edited on Tue 28 Apr 2015, 13:52)

Dear Pat. Thank you for clearing this up.
I had seen a Title Plan in your name showing a Red Line around a piece of land adjacent to your house (as I describe in the post below). Following your response, I have looked into this in more detail and have seen an additional document that wasn't available to me when I saw the Title Plan. This Title Deed clearly states that you sold the piece of land in question to the developers "Ede Holdings Limited" in 2010.

Pat Court

Tue 28 Apr 2015, 10:06

Ben Smith - No we do NOT own a parcel of land within the development site. Please feel free to check the Title plans etc, or pop round and we shall personally conduct you around the perimeter of our property!
I am concerned that neighbors and residents are under this impression and presume it follows the unfounded comments in one of the letters to the planning authority.

Ben Smith

Mon 27 Apr 2015, 19:13 (last edited on Tue 28 Apr 2015, 00:47)

Pat Court - Am I correct in thinking that you own a parcel of land within the proposed development site at Little Lees? And two of the proposed detached houses (number 10 & 11) are actually sited on land in your ownership? Please do correct me if I am wrong, but if this is the case David Court should not have written the letter of support for this planning application to West Oxford District Council dated 16 April 2016 as essentially this is your planning application! Title plans and Title Deeds are in the public realm and are available to download from for three pounds.

Pat Court

Wed 15 Apr 2015, 09:42

I was under impression that councillors were not supposed to influence planning decisions if they had a direct connection to the proposed plans. This would apply to yourself and Peter Kendrick I assume Tony.

Helen Wilkinson

Tue 14 Apr 2015, 17:27

If the access is from Lees heights rather than Little Lees, my reading of the plans would indicate they would have to redesign the layout quite significantly, as the proposed 4 houses backing onto Woody Lane appear to face onto a shared green space - which is where I am guessing the access road would go.

Tony H Merry

Tue 14 Apr 2015, 14:07

Not sure who circulated the note about this but I am posting some relevant informa
As a councillor and resident i am also very concerned about the safety of the proposed access
Of course it is useful to make comments on the application but for safety matters it is really only OCC Highways whose comments make any difference
Our county Councillor who also happens to be Deputy Leader will pay a site visit tomorrow afternoon so he can can advise Highways
This is most likely to have an effect
Builders Ede would also prefer to have the entrance straight up Lees Heights but are worried they might not have access rights over the lawn extension
They are now discussing this with their lawyers

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