Any birders out there?

Hannen Beith

Sun 12 Apr 2015, 10:37

Thank you Andy.
Haven't seen the blue tits or pigeon since last sighting. The blue tits had down in their beaks and the pigeon a twig.
Perhaps they were just resting on their way home!

Andy Godfrey

Sat 11 Apr 2015, 07:41

1. Bit of a strange one? Blue tits tend to nest in bird boxes, hole in a tree etc. Wood Pigeons make a flat stick nest in a tree. The two have totally different nesting habitats.

2. Jenny Wren. Lovely little birds, comes a close second to the Goldcrest / Firecrest as the smallest British bird.

Hannen Beith

Fri 10 Apr 2015, 23:17

Two questions:
1 A couple of blue-tits have been building a nest in my garden. It seems now to have been taken over by a wood pigeon. Probably can't do anything about it but any ideas? Shotgun perhaps?
2 Saw a small brown bird today in said garden. High pitched warbling, standy up tail and prominent beak. Didn't stay long, but I think I saw it, or one of its family last year. Any ideas? Smaller than a blue tit and no obvious colouring.

Just curious - thanks!

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