
Tony H Merry

Mon 16 Mar 2015, 20:40

Interesting Russell but don't try it at Rushy Bank unless you have a diving suit - right on the water table - but agree it would be good for cooling down!

russell robson

Mon 16 Mar 2015, 14:06 (last edited on Mon 16 Mar 2015, 22:34)

Could this be a solution?

Hobbits, rabbits and wombles are all very environmentally aware.

Rabbits are famous for their fecundity, but you never hear of them having a housing problem!
So rather than more development above ground perhaps some should be underground.
This post is slightly glib, but not totally. Dwelling underground is both ecologically and socially benefical. It is thermally effective and will possibly reduce the amount of hot air developed in the Evenlode Valley.

Living underground will also be beneficial during any upcoming armageddon, when the urban hordes invade the bucolic countryside in search of food and cheap second homes.

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