Searching the Charlbury Website

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Sun 15 Feb 2015, 16:43

The adverts are intentionally not indexed by the search function.

The reason for that is that people generally don't remove their adverts once the item has sold. So if you searched for (say) "car for sale", you'd probably turn up a car that was advertised here back in 2009.

If you just want to search through the advert page, go to it as usual, then use your browser's standard search function (control/command-F).

If you really want to do a full site search for an advert, you can use Google (which I think is probably what Hans was getting at). Enter '' as part of your Google query, and it'll restrict it to just this site. But be warned it'll probably unearth ads from several years ago!

For reference, these sections are indexed: all news, all events starting today or later, all community pages, all business pages, all forum postings, all walking and cycling routes, and all static visitor pages.

Hans Eriksson

Sun 15 Feb 2015, 16:12

Some of the characters got truncated in the html. Email me if you want the original.

Hans Eriksson

Sun 15 Feb 2015, 16:10

[sorry, raw HTML posting isn't allowed on the site -- Richard]

Richard Broughton
(site admin)

Sun 15 Feb 2015, 10:22

Hmmm. "Search' does work as expected on most sections but NOT, apparently, on the Adverts, as Graham has noticed. I just tried searching for some words that are sitting in the Adverts section right now and they did not come up. I'm sure Richard F will notice this discussion and look into the issue shortly.

russell robson

Sun 15 Feb 2015, 10:11

if the advert is removed it might not come up in a search?

Graham Chamberlain

Sun 15 Feb 2015, 09:57

Could someone please explain how the 'Search' function is supposed to work. I tried searching for an advert topic that I know exists but it returned one item from the Forum and one from Community. Does search work at all with Adverts or must you scroll through the long list?

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