Cattle on the road

Hans Eriksson

Fri 13 Feb 2015, 11:12

Thanks Peter. Unfortunately this has happened quite a few times over the years and at least three times in the last few weeks. There would be serious damage to a car and possible personal injuries should a car hit an animal, and people come round there quite quickly. I hope whatever the farmer has done is now permanent.

Peter Kenrick

Thu 12 Feb 2015, 12:16

Thanks for reporting this Hans. I have spoken to the farmer who tells me he has been down there and sorted out the problem.

Hans Eriksson

Thu 12 Feb 2015, 10:01

Yet again there was a young bull on the verge at the bottom of Pound Hill. Quite dangerous should the animal walk out in the road and be hit by a car. What does one do to stop this happening?

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