Friends of the Evenlode Valley. (Debate)

Rosemary Bennett

Sun 25 Jan 2015, 09:24 (last edited on Sun 8 May 2016, 12:42)

Thank you. It's in my nature to be sceptical. In over 30 years I've seen so much inappropriate development inflicted on Charlbury in the name of progress, but on balance it's only been for personal financial gain, in the end. When a scheme comes along that genuinely *might* assist the less fortunate and less privileged of our society, then I would welcome it, whatever it was!

Rod Evans

Sat 24 Jan 2015, 21:51

Understand your reaction - but hoped our post was a bit more thoughtful than just a BANANA (Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anybody). There's a debate to be had about if, how and where Charlbury should expand, hopefully to find a consensus.

Agree with you totally about The Bull, though!

Rosemary Bennett

Sat 24 Jan 2015, 14:32 (last edited on Sun 8 May 2016, 12:46)

I am in favour of anything that includes a self-build element for young local families. This post strikes me primarily as coming from the perspective of self-interest, i.e., not in my back yard.

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