Mon 22 Dec 2014, 12:05
Please be aware we have recently had some confirmed cases of Leptospirosis (also known as Weil's Disease) in the area. This disease can be fatal to your beloved dog if not vaccinated. Symptoms that do appear can vary widely in type and severity. The majority of cases will show signs including loss of appetite, high temperature, severe muscle pain, stiffness or reluctance to move, shivering, progressive weakness and depression. Dehydration often occurs as a result of vomiting and diarrhoea. Some dogs with no apparent symptoms may in fact be severely ill and die spontaneously. It is important to realise this disease is a serious zoonosis (affects us humans to!), so please ensure good hygiene when handling your pets - avoid contact with the urine. Prevention is better than cure! it is therefore important to protect animals from these bacteria through annual vaccination which not only provides disease protection but can also reduce shedding of the infection in urine, minimising the chance of spreading the disease. Please contact your usual veterinary surgery for advise.