Witney Radio!

Malcolm Biranek

Tue 21 Oct 2014, 10:49 (last edited on Tue 21 Oct 2014, 10:51)

I didn't know this existed until I came across it by chance www.witneyradio.co.uk/

Witney Radio is a community radio station operated by volunteers broadcasting to West Oxfordshire via the internet.

About us
What we do....
Witney Radio broadcasts in order to give West Oxfordshire a radio station that is relevent to the area. Not only do we broadcast quality music (obviously that is not legally binding, the odd "classic" may get slipped in!) but we feature local bands, local news - even local adverts!
Witney Radio is a subsidary of Witney Media CIC, along with our sister company, Witney TV.
Between the pair of us we believe we can ensure that West-Oxonians are never more than a click away from getting local, relevant and positive news and entertainment.
If you want to get in touch, either email us on mail@witneyradio.co.uk or click here to send us a message.

Our Vision
for Witney Radio
Our vision - Music has the power to make us think feel and act, it plays an important role in life whether you listen to it regularly or fleetingly. At Witney Radio we aim to play music for the people of West Oxfordshire that they will enjoy. We will also provide news and community information to benefit the area we live and work in.
We aim to become your friend and first point of contact for information on things that are happening in West Oxfordshire. We hope that we bring you enjoyment and fun too.

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