Chance to request a Dean Pit replacement

Liz Leffman

Mon 10 Nov 2014, 17:49

Apologies for not having got a paper version out. The results are being collated at the moment but if you want to go online and do the survey it is still live and your responses can be added in

Jenny Chambers

Mon 10 Nov 2014, 17:43

Have I now missed the chance to do the survey online! Are you still going to be distributing it with your next leaflet?

Liz Leffman

Mon 10 Nov 2014, 11:05

Thanks to everyone who completed the recycling survey. I have collated the results and sent them to WODC and they will be included in the officers' report on fly-tipping and recycling which I am expecting to see at the next environment committee meeting. Unsurprisingly the vast majority of people both in Chippy and in Charlbury asked for a replacement for Dean Pit.

Andrew Greenfield

Fri 10 Oct 2014, 15:24

Great idea Liz!

Liz Leffman

Fri 10 Oct 2014, 08:07 (last edited on Fri 10 Oct 2014, 08:10)

Sorry for the delay in replying to this. I had a meeting yesterday with the officer who Is organising the survey, and yes, we will be doing it in Charlbury. The way it is being done in Chippy etc is that officers are standing at the bring site for eight hours a day and giving questionnaires to everyone who comes along - 56 people over last weekend at Chippy - but they don't have the manpower to do that for us, so we can either use volunteers (any offers welcome) to stand at the Spendlove. As that may not be very practical, I propose to print and distribute a questionnaire with my next leaflet, and put a version up on line for those with internet. I will let people know when the survey is on line.

Jeremy Baldock

Sat 4 Oct 2014, 08:36

Thanks Liz. What was the outcome of the meeting was? How do the people of Charlbury take part in the survey?

Malcolm Biranek

Sat 27 Sep 2014, 17:58

Stephen you are forgetting one thing these people are politicians and their main objective is getting re-elected not delivering on promises. They frequently suffer from selective amnesia a terrible affliction which only seems to impact the politically inclined :) Why do you think there are so many people never vote these days!

stephen cavell

Sat 27 Sep 2014, 17:31

I remember that some 4 years ago when the issue of closing Dean Pit first arose the WODC themselves prepared a presentation which they displayed on poster boards at The Corner House. Their proposal was to develop the Greystones site, which already belongs to the Council,with albeit, dilapidated buildings. The council's own proposal envisioned using those buidings as a training facility for Witney College to train students to repair & refurbish furniture/electrical/mechanical equipment disposed there. It would also have a composting facility selling the final compost to gardeners,contracts for the sale of recyclables. Their own presentation suggested that unit could eventually show a profit. Can this presentation be dug out again to remind the Council of their OWN PROPOSAL before they reneged on it!!

Liz Leffman

Tue 23 Sep 2014, 18:50

I'm on the case - have got a meeting on Thursday to discuss how we can organise a survey in Charlbury

Jenny Chambers

Tue 23 Sep 2014, 18:07

Let me at them! I've been telling WODC about the extra rubbish fly-tipped locally, in hedgerows, ditches, on bridleways etc since Dean Pit closed. It has seemed to me that there's been a desire at that end to maintain the line that the closure of Dean Pit has not led to increased fly-tipping. Thank you Liz, by keeping the issue alive, I think you've brought about this admission that there IS a problem.

Ideally, I would like to put my point of view in person but, like Stephen, i don't want to drive to Witney or Chippy on the offchance that there will be someone at the bring site to talk to. A survey form would be the next best thing.

Pearl Manners

Tue 23 Sep 2014, 17:03 (last edited on Tue 23 Sep 2014, 17:35)

We have been going to Shipston-on-Stour, they are very helpful and it's a nice quiet drive to get there. It would be good to have somewhere closer though so hopefully something will come of the meetings.

Liz Leffman

Tue 23 Sep 2014, 12:42

Yes, I have asked and will chase this up this afternoon when I see the cabinet member concerned. It may be possible for us to have some of the surveys to distribute ourselves in Charlbury, even if they can't send officers to do it.

Stephen Andrews

Tue 23 Sep 2014, 11:25


Can you request that the 'survey' is also carried out (and advertised) at the Charlbury Coop 'bring' site or that preferably we can do so directly via email or the web? The good folk of Charlbury are hardly likely to drive to Chippy or Witney on the off-chance that someone from WODC will be there.

Andrew Greenfield

Mon 22 Sep 2014, 20:09

I will not be drawn into making comments about local persons who may, or may not, have had some influence on the closure of Dean Pit.
All I will say is that the council made their bed and are now suffering the inevitable consequence of that action. Surely they can not be surprised at what has happened in this situation?

A trip with rubbish or articles for recycling to Dean Pit could be completed in about 30 mins from Charlbury, with a round trip of about 6 or 7 miles; the round trip to Stanton Harcourt now takes approx an hour and a quarter or more and is a round trip of 27 miles or more, depending where in Charlbury you live.

So what happens? Some people simply dump their rubbish wherever they can. The "bring sites" you talk of (I've not heard that term before but I know what you mean), such as the one at the rear of the Coop store in the Spendlove site are all very well, but too often there is no room in the bins and hence rubbish is just left beside them.

I have heard rumours of another alternative site to Dean Pit/Greystones, but I am certainly not aware of where that might be, nor how serious a rumour it was, so I shall not be holding my breath in anticipation of anything happening in the very near future.

We really must have a more easily accessible local recycling centre and refuse dump site just like Dean Pit and we should push as hard as we can for a sensible replacement as a matter of huge priority.

Charlie M

Mon 22 Sep 2014, 17:19 (last edited on Mon 22 Sep 2014, 17:20)

As someone for whom this whole affair has rather passed me by, I am amazed at the ridiculous situation whereby Dean Pit was closed before a replacement had been thought through and allocated. The story I heard was that it was basically down to a local aristocrat who had obviously too much influence, but whether this is correct or not I do not know. What IS correct is that Charlbury needs a Dean Pit replacement. I suggest we all need to make representations at one or other of the places listed in the submission below as a matter of priority.

Liz Leffman

Mon 22 Sep 2014, 14:16

I've just received an e mail from the WODC press office which I have posted on our site under News. At last, the council has recognised that there is a genuine problem with excess rubbish being taken to the local bring sites. WODC has had numerous complaints about the amount of rubbish left at bring sites, and they will be conducting a survey at the New Street bring site in Chippy during October to ask people for their views on how this problem can be tackled. They will be doing similar surveys at Sainsbury's and Woodford Way sites in Witney. It's a good opportunity for people to express their views on the lack of facilities in our area following the Dean Pit closure and to suggest that opening a new facility might solve the problem.

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