WILDERNESS 6th - 9th August 2015.

Miles Walkden

Fri 15 Aug 2014, 09:05

Festivals, by their nature, go on into the night and are loud. If it weren't, people (young (and other)) wouldn't come. I agree, the festival must do all it can to keep the noise down and I did think they did a good job of that this year, but clearly not enough if others were disturbed. My worry is that some people may never be happy and, as we all know, they are the ones that get heard (no one writes to the council to tell them they had a good nights sleep or, indeed, a good time). I hope the festival does a better job with the sound next time but that locals can deal with the inevitable noise and disruption.

Alan Cobb

Fri 15 Aug 2014, 08:51

Ruth The Dinosaurs dominated the earth for a period of some 155 million years, which is about 153 million more than humans have managed. Dinosaurs (according to modern theories) died out because of external factors (such as asteroids) over which they had no control. Humans seem on course to cause our own destruction by destroying our own environment.

Pearl Manners

Fri 15 Aug 2014, 07:21 (last edited on Fri 15 Aug 2014, 08:59)

I am wondering why there is no consideration for the elderly and poorly residents of Charlbury, most who have lived here all their lives,who I am sure have no objection to people enjoying themselves. The objection is about the late finish and I have read any noise which effects other people should finish 11-11.30pm according to the law. It's shameful to imply people who can't cope with noise at very late/ early morning hours are grumpy, negative and even stupid, why can't people enjoy themselves before that time of night. Charlbury has lots of other enjoyable events throughout the year,some also with music, without any problems at all,and also raise money for local causes.

Mark Purcell

Thu 14 Aug 2014, 22:49

It didn't bother me (much) this year, but what a poor advertisement for the Wilderness to suggest (even in jest) that anyonr who is bothered by it shoukd book a weekend away.

Ruth Williams

Thu 14 Aug 2014, 22:35

Dinosaurs did indeed run around but sadly, had a small brain and were too stupid to survive.... need I say more

Alan Cobb

Thu 14 Aug 2014, 20:25

Ruth, if you believe nothing happened during the age of the dinosaurs, you are sadly misinformed. Dinosaurs were quite capable of running around, making lots of noise and generally have a wale of a time eating vegetation and each other. It was certainly vibrant, but whether they considered it fun, I have no idea. Just for the record, I am not interested in stopping Wilderness, just in having it cease at a reasonable time on Sunday night. What the good folks of Leafield might say after their experiences of last Friday/Saturday night is another matter.

Ruth Williams

Thu 14 Aug 2014, 20:05

Miles - "Handful of negative people" you are obviously from the glass is half full brigade and good for you. I am astonished at the "not in my backyard" and the "grumpy people" in Charlbury. Charlbury will become the land of dinosaurs and then nothing will happen. Keep it vibrant and fun!

john h

Thu 14 Aug 2014, 19:49

Looks like a weekend by the coast for me next August then!!! John H

Miles Walkden

Thu 14 Aug 2014, 19:46

Despite the handful of negative people I hope we can keep this wonderful Event in Charlbury for the rest of us.

Alan Cobb

Thu 14 Aug 2014, 18:52

I shall be booking my companies sound meter.

Jean Adams

Thu 14 Aug 2014, 16:27

This is an early bird warning for you to book your Summer Holiday or a weekend away if you are disturbed by the sounds from Wilderness. Alternatively come and join the festivities and enjoy a weekend of fun and laughter and delicious foods from just about everywhere.

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