
Rosalind Scott

Wed 6 Aug 2014, 15:04

Churches Together in Charlbury has arranged a silent vigil to remember everyone suffering from war and internal conflict in the Middle East. It will be held on Thursday 14 August from 6 to 7 pm at the crossroads at the top of Church Street. The West Oxon UNA group is supporting the vigil. The vigil is to express our concern about the situation in Syria, Iraq and other places where there is fighting and people are fleeing their homes, as well as the conflict in Israel and Gaza.

Clare Carswell

Fri 1 Aug 2014, 11:15

I agree Emily which is why I cannot attend it either. I have offered to help set up a silent peace vigil in Charlbury and at a meeting of Churches Together Charlbury the other night we decided to invite people to join one on Thursday 14th August between 6 and 7. I am going to contact a chap called Neil who apparently is connected to the United Nations Group and hopefully will let their members know about it. I shall make a simple flyer and post it in the town and on the website too.

Emily Algar

Fri 1 Aug 2014, 09:57

Jon, I think a silent vigil in Charlbury sounds like a lovely idea. How would we go about setting it up?

Clare, I think the one in Oxford is brilliant but if you work during the day it would be impossible to take part where as an evening vigil in Charlbury would be easier to attend.

Clare Carswell

Tue 29 Jul 2014, 23:00

I have had an email about this event in Oxford on Monday which some may be interested in joining.

Monday 4th August: Peace Gathering in Oxford
11am to 3pm in Bonn Square, Oxford OX1 1LQ. "War to end all Wars?" Event with poetry, music and lots more. Organised by CND. Contact: Irene 01865 242919 or Nuala 01865 749459.
"No more war ?" war never again"
This is the message that will be proclaimed by peace groups around the country on Monday 4th August, the anniversary of Britain's entry into the First World War. As we mark the declaration of the First World War we remember those who worked to prevent that war.100 years later, research into conflict prevention and resolution is far advanced. Peace organisations call upon political leaders to use all the instruments of international law, diplomacy, disarmament, global justice and co-operation, to eliminate war.

Clare Carswell

Tue 29 Jul 2014, 22:56

A very good idea Jon, thank you. I hope that people feel that they want to get together to take some time to show our solidarity for our brothers and sisters in Gaza who are suffering so terribly.

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Sun 27 Jul 2014, 10:42

In the past, at times of terrible conflict and suffering, vigils have been held in the open in public places in Charlbury, usually outside the Corner House or on the four corners of the crossroads in the town centre. They have been silent, but have given the opportunity for a visible testimony and coming together in the interest of peace. To think, to hope, to pray, to share.

I have been wondering why there has been no such moment of presence while the war has been raging in Gaza, and realise that if anyone is to arrange it, rather than waiting for others, why not me?

If you would like to join in discussing what we might do, please get in touch, and share the idea among your own networks. 811378,

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