St Mary's Bellringers A Peal (appeal)

Anthony Merry

Sun 6 Apr 2014, 19:49

We are looking for more Bellringers in Charlbury. Although we have a good loyal group we sometimes struggle to get enough to ring.
So if you are interested - maybe you rang in the past or like several of us have not ring before but would like to have a part in a great tradition by ringing our lovely bells (almost 300 years old now) why not give it a try. You will have individual training from Mike and despite my well publicised accident (which did not put me off)it really is safe.
You can just come along any Wednesday at 7.30 when we practice - the small door at the base of the door will be open, or give Mike Summers our 'tower captain' a ring at 01608-810639
You will be made most welcome

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