Dog mess agian

Kat Patrick

Wed 22 Jan 2014, 13:28

Astonishing and eye-opening walk up the bridle path at Quarry Lane yesterday. Someone has been along with a spray can of orange paint and highlighted all the dog piles along the way. Must be fifty of them in the first 100 metres (plus about 5 or 6 newer ones that hadn't been "highlighted" -- didn't the do owners get the message????). Obviously, dogs will relieve themselves within a short walking distance from the beginning of the path, so if dog owners will only keep their dogs on the lead for a little while up the path, surely they will witness their pet's deed and clean up. Theoretically.

Kat Patrick

Sun 19 Jan 2014, 21:15

The nice dog warden pushed into my hand about 6 flyers to put around the Ditchley Road/Cherwell Drive area where my house on the corner gets a lot of dog attention, too. (Nice for my children's trainers and bike tyres, and when I mow the lawn; eughghgh). Well, according to the flyers, it's more than just pushing a bag of dog mess through someone's letter box -- it's a £1000 fine.

Heather Hill

Sun 19 Jan 2014, 20:15

I also have two dogs and get very angry with these people who are giving dog owners a bad name. If anyone sees someone not picking up their dog mess PLEASE say something or as Lesley says, name them and shame them.

Lesley Algar

Sat 18 Jan 2014, 11:06

I have two Springers and the cost of a pack of 300 nappy sacks from Tesco's is only 35p. This certainly would not break anyone's bank. Despite the spray painting of areas where dog mess is left has made no difference at all. I think larger notices regarding fines and even name and shaming people who leave it. It would stop the rest of us who have dogs from getting a bad name.

graham W

Sat 18 Jan 2014, 10:00

I regard myself as amiable and reserved, however I am now at my wits end. Over the past few weeks a dog owner is letting their dog do its business on my front lawn, This is were I get unreserved and unamiable, if I catch these people I will bag it up and push it through their letter box.
My apologies to responsible owners to which I am sure that its 99%, but I'm sure you can understand my anger but ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

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