Pet peeve

Wendy Bailey

Sun 24 Nov 2013, 09:50

Hi Hannen,
Excellent posting you should sent it to the Guardian News Paper. It beats my issue of phoning Orange Mobile phone this week to get a pre-paid envelope to return an item I didn't want. 5 days of phone calls each time having to use call option numbers press 1 for mobile, 2 for broadband 3 for accounts etc. Lady from exotic locations whom I was unable to understand, so asked for some one else perhaps a supervisor, the line went dead. Eventually on the 5 day of trying I spoke to a delightful person I was able to understand. Problem solved.

Hannen Beith

Sun 24 Nov 2013, 09:20

Pet peeve: Delivery men/couriers whom you are assured (sic) will arrive sometime between 8.00 am and 8.00 pm. So you wait in all day like a hermit, anxiously peering out of the front window at increasingly regular intervals like someone with a serious OCD affliction. Then, at about 5.00 pm you take a well deserved leak (to prevent your bladder from rupturing). You hear the door bell and cut matters short almost causing self-inflicted genital mutilation, rush to the front door - only to find a card saying "Sorry you were out when we tried to deliver your parcel, we have now taken it back to our depot in Aberdeen. You may collect it from there within 24 hours (as long as you bring passport, driving licence, and your great Aunt's marriage certificate, photocopies NOT accepted). Alternatively (because we're nice people) you may telephone us on this premium rate number to arrange re-delivery at a time convenient to us, not you, and we will make you suffer for a second time."

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