Raw milk anyone?

Ian Taylor

Mon 18 Nov 2013, 16:28 (last edited on Mon 18 Nov 2013, 16:30)

As far as I understood from the film and Q&A, in England only the producer - the farmer, not the cow :-) - can sell raw milk; it can't be sold to a third party for resale. In Scotland it's banned altogether.

Stephen Andrews

Mon 18 Nov 2013, 15:11

What about serving/selling some of their milk at ChOC? Someone would need to check the licence...

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Mon 18 Nov 2013, 09:56

Good news! ChOC is showing The Moo Man on Sunday 12 January at 7.30pm in the Memorial Hall. I too saw the film in Chippy and it is both funny and informative ... but above all a great film about dairy farming and the relationships between humans and animals. It's a film that anyone and everyone will enjoy and it's shot in the superb landscape of the Pevensey Levels.


Ian Taylor

Mon 18 Nov 2013, 08:55 (last edited on Mon 18 Nov 2013, 08:55)

Not quite on-topic, but I'd thoroughly recommend "The Moo Man" documentary film, mentioned on that web site, if you can get hold of a copy. Watch the trailer here: hookandson.co.uk/The%20Moo%20Man/index.html

They showed it at the Chippy Theatre a few weeks ago and the farmer was there for a Q&A session, very interesting and compassionate man.

I'd love to split an order but I'm a bit further away from Charbury now.

Tashi Seklecki

Sat 16 Nov 2013, 23:03

Is anyone interested in splitting an order of delicious raw milk from Hook and Son? hookandson.co.uk/#
The most economical way (though still, admittedly, a bit pricey) is to order twelve bottles (24 pints). I think I have six of those covered and am looking for takers for the remaining six.
If interested, if only for a one off trial order, please email tashikan@hotmail.com

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