Dog Fouling

Lesley Algar

Wed 14 Aug 2013, 15:49

My tax money would probably pay for the bins. It would be good to know my tax money is being used for something useful.


Wed 14 Aug 2013, 15:27

Who would pay for extra bins?

Julie Negus

Wed 14 Aug 2013, 12:44

A few signs like this required

Emily Algar

Tue 13 Aug 2013, 18:22

The trend seems to be that people with dogs will pick up the poo in areas which they go walking in on a regular basis but when they go somewhere different they don't bother. Someone with two dogs actually admitted this to me last year. I guess the saying goes 'don't "poo" in your own back yard".

I disagree about the bins. There is a lack of them. For instance there should be one at the top of Hundley Way near the last house so people walking towards Ditchley have a chance to dispose of their bags. There should be more in town, maybe near the normal waste bins and they should be emptied regularly.

There's quite a few examples of successful anti-dog fouling schemes that have been used in the UK. Torbay Council is one: as have quite a few. So it can be done.

Jean Andrews

Tue 13 Aug 2013, 12:53

The main problem is that most dog owners are not concentrating on their dog/s they are often talking to friends as they walk, on their mobile or the dogs are quite far away from them. So ... the owner does not see them fouling. I have watched owners whilst we walk our dog. Owners should remember that dogs foul shortly after the start of their walk, but if the walk is sufficiently long enough, they will go again!

Liz Leffman

Tue 13 Aug 2013, 10:02

I will ask the dog wardens to come and do another blitz. Last time they handed out several fines. The council did put up some new notices a few months ago, including on Quarry Lane. There are bins all over Charlbury, but it is up to dog owners to use them as we cannot have wardens here every day.

Lesley Algar

Tue 13 Aug 2013, 09:26

I have noticed of late that the dog fouling has become much worse in the last few weeks. Everywhere I walk my dogs I see it. It is disgusting. Quarry lane and Hundley way are worse than most places. Saying that, I have also found it around Cornbury. Can't the council put up more bins and large notices? As it is been hot recently, the smell is much worse. Do owners think because it is a country lane or field it does not matter? If no one will pick up behind their dogs we will end up knee deep in it. Is it so difficult to carry a few small bags in ones pocket?

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