Footpath from Sturt Road to Rochester Place (behind Londis)

Valou Pakenham-Walsh

Wed 7 Aug 2013, 15:20

This is a complex problem. There is the question of ownership on one hand, and the question of responsibility for maintenance on the other. As a town councillor and a regular user of the alleyway, I have looked into it over the past few years, managing to get Cottsway and the District Council to discuss the matter. This led to half of the garage forecourt to be repaired, but it is not good enough. The latest I had heard put the responsibility for maintenance on Cottsway. I will try to find out what the latest situation is, and will report back here.

Geoff Belcher

Mon 5 Aug 2013, 10:07

Nick, As an owner of one of the garages with the concrete forecourt I have been trying to find out who now owns the other half of the concrete which is access to the council garages,I phoned up when the resurfacing was being done to find out but had a very snooty man who said why should they pay to resurface the private garage forecourts, I replied that vehicles had to cross over the private area for access.i surgested the council contact the owners to come to some agreement on a shared cost ,but he would not look into it. Seems no one knows who took over the shared agreement to look after the forecourts with the owners of the garages.

Nick Millea

Mon 5 Aug 2013, 08:46

I have raised the issue of maintenance of this path with the Town Council on a couple of occasions over the past three years or so - I also mentioned the path in the recent drop-in session at the Memorial Hall on the future of the town. Previous correspondence with the Town Council has confirmed there is a considerable degree of uncertainty over the path's ownership status. The recent "half and half" resurfacing of the concrete area outside the garages only adds to the confusion of who owns what.

Andrew Greenfield

Sun 4 Aug 2013, 20:30

I am always amazed at the huge amount of rubbish, bottles and cans that are simply thrown down on that path, or in some cases pushed over or under the wire fences into the residents' gardens alongside. For goodness sake, as has been said already, there is a large rubbish bin at the end of the pathway; is it too much to ask that people please use it?

Miles Walkden

Sun 4 Aug 2013, 12:46

The path is used by the general public, was built by the council and not maintained. Is supposed to be used to get access to some council houses, to the council garages. The council put lights, bins and poles on it causing damage. The general public of Charlbury use the path. It doesn't seam unreasonable for them to discuss fixing some of the issues does it?

Miles Walkden

Sun 4 Aug 2013, 12:44

Hi Geoff. No need to apologise. :) The largest hole in the path comes from damage caused where the bin was installed. The next two come from the two utility poles and small damage from the lamp post. The path is generally not in great condition also. As one of the 'owners' I have no issue with fixing some of the general wear on the path. Gates have been discussed. I personally don't want to be the one stopping people having access to a path they have used for 30 odd years just because it is more convenient for me. Signs are being considered.

Geoff Belcher

Sun 4 Aug 2013, 12:03

Sorry but how does a bin at the end of the path cause all the damage along its length.
There are no signs stating that it is private.
perhaps gates each end might stop people going along it,and perhaps tripping up, no signs leaves you open to compensation!

Miles Walkden

Sun 4 Aug 2013, 10:02

As I believ it to be -
The path was put in by the council, as access to the council garages when they were built (now Cottsway). The path is now owned by the respective houses along the path. However the council have put a bin on the end of the path which has caused most of the damage to the path. They have also allowed two electrical polls to by put up which as caused the other damage. Finally they have put up and maintained lights, encouraging use as a cut through and also damaging the path.

Geoff Belcher

Sat 3 Aug 2013, 22:50

They should, there is street lighting down there.
street lighting is not put down private paths, unless the residents paid for it!


Sat 3 Aug 2013, 07:59

Hi I think you will find that the council don't own that path.


Fri 2 Aug 2013, 23:03

It's really difficult to push a buggy down, and not very safe for the kids to scoot or run along due to the uneven surface and often broken glass. We tend to walk round instead of using the footpath even though it's less safe next to the road and crossing at the tricky junction. It's a shame as it's a good cut through, so happy to support upgrade discussions.

Miles Walkden

Fri 2 Aug 2013, 08:52

Hello, I would like to know if anyone has had issues with the uneven path running from the council garages to Sturt Road? I am about to talk to the council about getting it fixed and need any anecdotes or opinions about its safety or inconvenience. Thanks for your help. Miles

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