Application for a holiday camp at Finstock


Thu 18 Jan 2007, 14:39

i believe it is the fact that if they withdrawal then they havn't been 'refused'.
They can then rejig and resubmit when nobodys looking!

Malcolm Blackmore

Thu 18 Jan 2007, 14:06

Any indication as to reasons for a withdrawal? Economics (i.e. ditch whole plan) or as a result of "feedback" to do some fiddling with the details or giving up in face of scale of political opposition?


Thu 11 Jan 2007, 12:44

though not confirmed yet Cornbury are expected to retract there request planning permission.


Tue 1 Aug 2006, 12:16

Sorry meant to give the address to write to:
Jeff Lowe
WODC Planning Dept.
New Yatt Road
Witney OX28 1PB
01993 861 676


Tue 1 Aug 2006, 11:01

The residents of finstock had a meeting last night to discuss the application, this was well attended and there appears to be a number of individuals with reservations of the plans.
It was mentioned that Charlbury Town Council do not have an objection to this application. this suprised at first as i would have thought that they would have seen some negatives to this application givent he presedence that it will set for the area if approved. I guess not.
Maybe CTC are just happy to see the increase in business in the town and let Finstock, Ramsden and Leafield feel the brunt of the developemnt??

Fran,It would appear that you do not have to worry, the poo is going down my street!!. However that could change when the planners review the application and conditions are applied to an approval. Perhaps Cornbury may amend the application rather than have to contribute to the replacement/improvement of the finstock sewers.

Agree or disagree you have until 15th August to send correspondence to the WODC planners.

Fran Leslie

Sat 8 Jul 2006, 18:37

Just a thought: where will the services for this development come from/end up? I recall that when the sewerage plant was built on the outskirts of Charlbury, it was said that it had a finite capacity that would limit the number of properties in the neighbourhood. Building holiday flats might have a knock on effect of preventing the building of affordable housing in Charlbury in the future.


Mon 3 Jul 2006, 16:43

Further to my post of 29Jul the proposal for the residential units would include 53 one bed and 128 two bed flats.
Obvisously no indication of price, but perhaps a case of 'I'll scratch your...'


Fri 30 Jun 2006, 15:10

Good to see Paul showing his support so strongly.

having just seen the Witney Gazette, congratulations must go to WODC as landowners for the £1m 'investment' into the marriotts site which now has a value of in excess of £20m. Hopefully we shall see some of this money reinvested into the area.
Bet you none of the proposed new residential units are low cost. but look on the bright side perhaps they might have a spot for Jane's burger van.

if your interested details can be found at

Deleted user

Fri 30 Jun 2006, 13:26

I am in complete favour of this development! It will encourage activity for local businesses in the area and certainly bring employment. All landowners now seek to maximise their investment and there is nothing wrong in this. Lord Rotherwick is also a tremendous supporter of the community allowing major events on his land and his very generous support to Charlbury Cricket Club is well appreciated.


Thu 29 Jun 2006, 14:41

We could debate the Starter Home issue forever. The simple reason they are not built (and when they are they are in such low numbers) is that it is simply not profitable for the builders to do so even if land was given for free. The only reason builders would enter into this type of contract is if they were getting something in return (ie another development proposal agreed/ tax incentive)
How much would you market these starter homes for?
Who would be able to buy them?
Also whats wrong with building by the train station (i refer to finstock here) if young people wish a home so much why not build there and encourage at the same time the use of the train for work?

Jane Brownlow

Thu 29 Jun 2006, 12:45

I think 90 starter homes would make a great deal of difference - it would be 90 more than there are at present! I guess if there were more new builds in the area, though, it wouldn't be so Cotswold tourist-tastic, and Robin Cayser et al would have less prospect of parcelling it out in lots to the highest bidder for their own considerable profit. It does make you wonder what the consequences will be for the kind of local building for local people that Derek would like to see consigned to the train station.
By the way, my own personal 'estate' also needs to generate more income to be sustainable at present. Is it ok with everyone if I open a Burger Van on my front lawn? Caravan Park on the Playing Close anyone (sensitively designed of course)???


Tue 20 Jun 2006, 15:40

I doubt we would ever see the people that use the holiday homes. I guess if i was to sterotype for a moment they will be people who work in London during the week and wish to 'escape' to the 'their place in the cotswolds' at the weekend, perhaps they will call in to see Lord Rotherwick for a G&T.

On the subject of Starter Homes, if you were LR would you want to sell off your land to build social housing for a fraction of what you could achieve via another venture? and honestly what difference is 90 dwellings going to make? it would be much better to build 200 or 300 dwelllings in high dentisity hosuing by the train station.

Katie Ewer

Mon 19 Jun 2006, 16:28

That's my point! I don't think WODC should be approving any planning applications for holiday homes while we have an affordable housing shortage.

Jane Brownlow

Mon 19 Jun 2006, 09:54

Katie - please see my post 'Planning Application...' Starter homes they aint!

Katie Ewer

Fri 16 Jun 2006, 13:29

It depends whether you own a local business that will benefit or are a young person desperate to get on the housing ladder. They could be 90 starter homes for local families!

Julie Negus

Wed 14 Jun 2006, 14:01

Surely it will bring tourisum and employment to the area.Is that such a bad thing ?

Frank Payne

Tue 13 Jun 2006, 17:11

I see that Cornbury Park has now applied for planning permission at Finstock Heath for a holiday camp: Construction of 90 holiday lodges, reception lodge, tennis courts, children's play area and access with parking and associated landscaping.

Only residents in the neighbourhood of Finstock have been consulted but that doesn't stop Charlbury and other towns and villages expressing their views.


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