Recycle Bins

Heather Hill

Fri 1 Feb 2013, 16:22

I love your response David, message passed onto Ray.

russell robson

Wed 30 Jan 2013, 22:16

Not bin (sic) to us. Luckily it takes us 2 weeks to fill a bin.

Liz Leffman

Wed 30 Jan 2013, 18:53

And the Spendlove has finally been cleared too, as have the dog bins

Nick Millea

Wed 30 Jan 2013, 09:23

Looks like the recycling team have just been: Rochester Place is now clear.

Nick Millea

Wed 30 Jan 2013, 08:48

Here's the response from WODC .....
Thank you for reporting this issue to us.
Please leave the bin out until the end of the next working day and call us on 01993 861000 if it has not been collected by then quoting the reference number below.
Form ref: 235/621325

Fingers crossed!

Nick Millea

Wed 30 Jan 2013, 08:41

Still no action on Rochester Place by 7.15 this morning. I'll contact WODC again

John Kearsey

Wed 30 Jan 2013, 00:22

I agree Paul, its all looking a bit 1970's round here at the moment!

Geoff Belcher

Tue 29 Jan 2013, 18:34

12:noon today recyclers in Woodfield Drive the lorry then reversed into Rochester Place, stopped and then drove off without collecting the rubbish,
phoned up and told they may come back,no luck yet.
what were they doing in Woodfield drive if the boxes are still full!!

Brigid Sturdy

Tue 29 Jan 2013, 18:18

I rang WODC at four, and was told there was still a (fat) chance they might come before evening. (Woodfield Drive is still uncleared. Poole's Lane has been, but is awash with stray packets and cans.)It's been logged as a missed collection, and with any luck should be collected tomorrow.

Paul Taylor

Tue 29 Jan 2013, 17:59

Marlborough Place still not had a collection looks like a third world street now by the the morning with the wind picking up it will be all over Charlbury.

David Homewood

Tue 29 Jan 2013, 09:27

Well done Ray, see you on the green, fit as ever!

Heather Hill

Mon 28 Jan 2013, 16:56

I do appreciate all the snow cleared and the main roads being gritted but we should have the estates gritted as well or at least give us a bin of grit so we can it ourselves. My poor husband who is a pensioner has just been chasing our recycling rubbish along the street due to the winds blowing off the lids. Anyway, thank god the snow has now gone.

Liz Leffman

Mon 28 Jan 2013, 12:02

According to WODC the normal collections will be happening tomorrow. They will collect extra items for recycling so if you have items that will not fit into the boxes, please put cardboard and plastic into plastic bags and leave by your boxes. Glass must go into a box.

The Spendlove was in a dreadful state this morning but I have been informed that it will be cleared today and I will be checking it tomorrow morning

Edward Fenton

Sun 27 Jan 2013, 19:41

Thanks for all the updates and information. On Crawborough we had our recycling collected last week, but not our general waste. Does anyone know if this will be collected this coming Tuesday? I have left our general waste bin out since last Tuesday, but would not like the green waste people to get the wrong message and tip it into their lorry.

stephen cavell

Sun 27 Jan 2013, 18:39

Here Here Helen

Helen Holwill

Sun 27 Jan 2013, 17:55

With regard to the recycling - I think it was the right call on their part. It doesn't do us any harm to miss a week's recycling. Conversely, three years ago in the snow the recycling lorry attempted to service our road in Lees Heights and ended up slipping on the snow/ice and damaging the whole entire side of our car. Their insurance covered it, so it was all fine, but in my opinion it's not worth the risk generally. I think the roads (and key pavements) have been kept amazingly clear during this period of bad weather and appreciate all the effort that has gone into this.

russell robson

Sun 27 Jan 2013, 12:28

PS. Members of the Town Council were also out clearing the paths during the recent snow.

russell robson

Sun 27 Jan 2013, 12:27

Just for information.

The County Council grit the roads and the District Council came to the centre of Charlbury and gritted the pavements on a number of occasions last week. The roads to and form Charlbury were also regularly gritted.

The waste contract is with the District Council and I'm sure the contractor risk assessed the dangers of lorries and cars hitting each other on untreated minor roads before the sent their vehicles out to the various locations.

Geoff Belcher

Sun 27 Jan 2013, 11:56

they did manage to do the grey bins,so why did the recyclers have a prob!

Heather Hill

Sun 27 Jan 2013, 11:52

Personally I think it's disgusting. We may the same council tax as everyone else yet we don't get out roads gritted and we don't get our bins empty becasue they didn't grit the roads. Maybe's it's time the council got their act together!


Sat 26 Jan 2013, 16:57

We didn't in Marlbrough Place also - they did the main roads but left out some of the closes if snowy. Better luck this week.

Heather Hill

Sat 26 Jan 2013, 16:09

We didn't get our reycle bins emptied this week. Anyone know why?

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