Walking talking 35 quid - ruddy 'eck

Michael Flanagan

Wed 22 Mar 2006, 17:43

Well I've taken Margaret Burden's walks (www.talkingwalks.co.uk). They're bloody good. I've no idea what an Earthkiller is and I've got better things to do with my time than get sanctimonious about driving Range Rovers (and better things to do with my money than drive one)

For the £35, Margaret (who devotes a great deal of her time to unpaid work as a Cotswold Warden) gets an expert to talk incisively about, say, a set of local churches. She produces a terrific, well-researched, colour booklet on the subject concerned. She provides lunch, and an endless stream of home-made and highly nutritious nibbles. The day typically also includes a gentle 8-12 mile walk. And significantly increases walkers' understanding of how our area gets to be how it is.

Precisely the kind of local commercial initiative I'd have thought most of us would support. All for less than a decent seat to watch Oxford United.

Oh, and if you're bigoted about these things, you've no need to worry. I've yet to meet a fellow-walker on one of Margaret's days who worked in the City.

Ben E. Wriggle

Tue 21 Mar 2006, 11:51

See the entry in the Events section:


(HTML turned off by default, otherwise we'd have people posting in 72pt purple text :) . But I do need to fix the link thingy. -- Richard)

Geoff Belcher

Tue 21 Mar 2006, 11:44

Who wants 35 squid!!???


Tue 21 Mar 2006, 09:35


Malcolm Blackmore

Mon 20 Mar 2006, 20:31

35 squid for a guided walk around Wychwood! Does she actually get any customers at that sort of price??

Indication of the sort of well-heeled City earthkillers who Range Rove about the place, I suppose.

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