Dog mess on footpaths in the town centre

Katrina Ross

Wed 24 Oct 2012, 22:08

Whilst I appreciate it is not nice to step in something someone else has left behind or have to dodge it in the dark!! What is also really annoying is when they pick it up put it in a bag and then leave it on the verge or as seems to be happening at the moment hang it on the fence!!! There are currently 2 bags of dog poo hanging from different parts of the fence on the footpath along Cornbury drive. If you are going to go to the effort of picking it up then PLEASE take it away with you.

Kat Patrick

Tue 23 Oct 2012, 00:34

It's regularly on the verge of Ditchley Road which is my garden, and a nasty surprise when I either go to mow it, or when my kids ride their bikes back up to the front door with their wheels covered in it (icky!!!) Since it's often of different sizes (large dogs, small dogs, and in between), I'm sure it isn't just one person. What are these owners thinking as they ignore their pets' deposits on someone else's lawn??? Astonishing.

Elaine Newbold

Mon 22 Oct 2012, 09:32

It is a problem , before I could open the Post Office this morning I had to clear the path out side the Post Office in Market Street! lovely way to start the week !

Barry Floyd

Mon 22 Oct 2012, 09:17

I got to work at 8 o' clock this morning. Sadly, I didn't start work until 8.25 because I was busy cleaning dog mess from my shoes and the stairs in my office.

That's right. Some kind Charlbury dog owner had let their dog leave a deposit on the footpath along Sheep Street and I stood in it. The worst thing is, it was directly outside some poor soul's front door. Lucky I got to it first, eh?

I love dogs and I applaud responsible owners but there are one or two people in Charlbury who are so irresponsible they simply shouldn't be allowed to own a dog.

I know this isn't a new moan but something really has to be done about this problem. I think looking out for the perpetrators and shaming them on the spot is the only practical way forward.

It does make me appreciate the dog owners of Finstock, my home village, who exercise total responsibility for their dog's toilet needs. I have never once seen this problem 'up the hill'.

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