C1 Railbus

Pippa Nash

Wed 24 Oct 2012, 22:30

Delighted to find out that the multi-buy tickets on the C1 is much more cheaper than previously. Not only have single fares around Charlbury reduced from £1.10 to £1, a book of 10 tickets is £6.75 instead of £11 for 12 fares with RH. Will defintely continue using it, the bus is much more comfortable too. I do hope GoRide make enough money to continue the service, and will tender for it next year.

Harriet Baldwin

Sat 6 Oct 2012, 19:18

Unfortunately there is no excuse for any of the kids not to be at school on Monday as all the bus routes were sorted by last night. They ran a lot more than just the Chippy school buses, if you want details look on the OCC website, it's under schools transport I think.

rosemary galli

Sat 6 Oct 2012, 16:47

I just heard about the liquidation of RH Transport this afternoon. I had wondered why no bus met us on the 16:49 out of Oxford yesterday. I want to thank the forum participants for the wealth of information on this site which I will follow-up and am very happy to hear that at least one of the RH bus drivers will still be with us. It is also good news to hear that the Council will continue to fund the service in the short-term. It has been a lifeline for me and others, I suppose.

Andrea Swinburne

Sat 6 Oct 2012, 16:40

They run (or used to) all the coaches/buses for Chipping Norton School, so have no idea how the children will get into school come Monday.

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Sat 6 Oct 2012, 12:00

Update. Just heard from Elliott and he will be driving the bus in,the evening. Noel was due to retire at Xmas so wont be driving. Not sure about Kevin or Martin. So at least we will have one friendly face.

William Crossley

Fri 5 Oct 2012, 23:45

For more information about GoRide, the not-for-profit firm which is the new operator of the C1 and T1 from Monday, see www.goridebus.co.uk/go_ride/Go_Ride_CIC.html

They say to look out for a white minibus.

Charlie M

Fri 5 Oct 2012, 17:13

Richard sounds very much on the right track, Pippa ... sadly I mistakenly sent my email to WODC, who very kindly wrote back to say that they had forwarded on to OCC. But I do not know whither they sent it!

Carl Perkins

Fri 5 Oct 2012, 13:28

I think the C1 and X8 should be taken over by First Great Western. The Chipping Norton link is already shown on their route map and is very popular with visitors to the region, especially at weekends. If FGW ever did take on the routes, they might also consider running a few more later buses, which is what currently deters many people from using them as some of us don't get back from London until after 8:30 so a car is the only option. The commuter rail buses are a fantastic convenience and must be used as much as possible when they return. A big thanks and 'all the best' to Martin, Elliott, Noel and Kevin who have been the regular drivers on both the C1 and X8 for many years. Let's hope whoever takes over the routes considers taking them too as no-one knows the routes and passengers better!

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Fri 5 Oct 2012, 11:52

To public.transport@oxfordshire.gov.uk, I believe.

Pippa Nash

Fri 5 Oct 2012, 11:21

I too would like to write to the council to let them know how valuable the C1 and X9 services are to me. Can you tell me to whom I should send this?

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Fri 5 Oct 2012, 10:49

As I understand it (and I'm no expert) RH's fleet was generally leased rather than owned - which may explain the low quality of some of its fleet. Stagecoach, however, owns its buses, and in fact has recently replaced the (already fairly new) S3 buses with new 'Gold' buses. They also have a Witney depot from where they already run several small Optare Solo buses - the same type of buses used on the X9.

The X9 was to be run from December on a "largely commercial" basis, i.e. unsubsidised. In other words, it should be a reasonably attractive proposition for another operator, perhaps Stagecoach, to take on. Personally I wouldn't be sorry if that happened: they're generally regarded as the best of the big four operators, and they've proved responsive to concerns locally.

The C1 Railbus is more challenging as this is a subsidised service and therefore, as Chris says, is subject to budget pressures. I believe the small bus used on this (a Mercedes Sprinter) was originally bought by the County Council, and hence transferred from Worths to RH Transport when the latter won the contract; hopefully it's still owned by OCC.

However, at the very recent review, OCC did undertake to continue funding the C1 with just "minor timing changes to improve rail connections", so this should be safe for the next 18 months at least.

Chris Bates

Fri 5 Oct 2012, 10:34

OCC Budgets are already very thin. Would you prefer an RH-type vehicle at a cost that OCC can afford, or no service as other quotes are too high? THat is the dilemma for OCC at the next review.

Charlie M

Fri 5 Oct 2012, 10:21

I have today written to the council about this. In my opinion, whilst the drivers may have been fantastic, many of the vehicles supplied by RH Buses were wholly inadequate in terms of factors such as disabled access. It seemed a classic case of "doing things on the cheap". I also remember the snowy spell of two Januarys ago, when Worths were the only buses running. It is my earnest hope that OCC will recognise the value of long standing local transport companies such as Worths Motor Services when deciding upon a replacement provider. (I hasten to add that I have no connection with Worths other than as a customer.)

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Fri 5 Oct 2012, 10:06

That's great news about FGW stepping into the breech however I am very sorry to hear about the demise of RH and especially for their drivers who were absolutely fantastic. Luckily I am off work until after Christmas otherwise I would have been really stuck.

Pippa Nash

Fri 5 Oct 2012, 09:25

That's great news William. I fear most commuters will have made alternative arrangements as the C1 drivers told us there was no service and the OCC website indicated them same. I'm hopeful there will be a service next week.
Liz- Although I agree that a monopoly is not helpful, I would prefer a service to none.

William Crossley

Fri 5 Oct 2012, 09:07

Quick note to say that the C1 and T1 routes are operating to the normal timetables today - First Great Western has hired vehicles from City Taxis of Oxford and Masons Coaches

Liz Reason

Thu 4 Oct 2012, 20:16

It would be good to see one operator not being allowed to dominate our services

Pippa Nash

Thu 4 Oct 2012, 19:18

Just returned home from London to hear the news from the driver that RH have gone into liquidation. Tragic for all employees and all those who rely on the services. It's great that OCC and Stagecoach have stepped in to provide most of the services. The C1 bus is vital for me to get to London and many commuting friends from Finstock and surrounding villages. So, I for one, am hoping someone will come forward to continue to provide the loved and essential service. Elliot, our morning driver, always got us to the train on time, despite the train leaving six minutes earlier and the bus timetable not adjusting.

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