Walkers are Welcome in Charlbury

Ian Cox

Mon 21 Sep 2015, 13:07

The Rushy Bank Partnership are in discussions that may enable the footpath link from Walcot to be extended through the Rushy Bank land to Cornbury bridge. This would be a useful addition to the footpath network.

stephen cavell

Mon 21 Sep 2015, 12:10

I will bring the folder across to your shops so that you can see what has been found.

Tim Widdows

Mon 21 Sep 2015, 11:07

I could do with some leaflets as well please as I'm open on Sundays, we could also do with the notice board by the co op wall being altered to say that most of the shops in the town centre sell some sort of walking maps please, many thanks

Elaine Newbold

Mon 21 Sep 2015, 09:33

Is their any chance the Post Office could have a copy of some of the leaflets with the library not being open all the time ? we get quite a lot of enquires and no where to send them when the library is closed ?

stephen cavell

Mon 21 Sep 2015, 08:24

For information - I am pleased to report that our Charlbury Librarian Sally has started a reference folder containing various leaflets on the walks taking in Charlbury. Very useful for enquiries from passing visitors.

Anthony Merry

Thu 11 Oct 2012, 16:04

Thanks are due to Richard for organising a very succesful startup meeting which was well attended (includingfour Town Councillors). Wide ranginbg discussions on what we could acheive and facilities required but basicallly very enthusiastic. We have already registered initial interest with Walkers are welcome and think we can easily meet most of the conditiuons for joining. If anyone else wants to come along to the next meeting I would suggest they contact Richard. Looks like it could be a very interesting project for the town

Anthony Merry

Thu 4 Oct 2012, 21:28

Count me in for this as well Richard. It is an excellent and there are so may very good walks from Charlbury - in every direction. It would be good to let visitors know about this . I would welcome a get together meeting about this so please keep me informed about developments.

Andrew Chapman

Thu 4 Oct 2012, 09:12

I'd be interesting in helping with this too, having explored the WaW as a result of the earlier thread. (I too am limited a little by two small children, but could certainly help designing leaflets and stuff like that.) I see that there are currently no WaW places at all in Oxfordshire, so we could hopefully get decent local publicity for blazing a trail.

Liz Reason

Thu 4 Oct 2012, 08:36

I'd be happy to join a meeting

Meraud Ferguson Hand

Wed 3 Oct 2012, 19:57

I'd be glad to be involved somehow; two small children limit my movements(!) but I'd be happy to help get signatures on a petition, distribute leaflets, etc...

russell robson

Wed 3 Oct 2012, 19:51

Happy to part of any informal meeting that is hosted in the Rose?

How about walker and cyclists welcome. With shared routes in Browns Lane, perhaps The Nine Aches Path and something about shared access/use through the churchyard.

If we have a respect code I'm sure all these would work

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Wed 3 Oct 2012, 17:58

'Walkers are Welcome' is an initiative to encourage tourism by walkers - their website is here.

Towns or villages that sign up to it agree to meet a certain standard of provision, and to publicise and support walking in the area. If done properly it can be a great boost to a town: in the other thread Meraud mentioned Winchcombe, which has done it very well, and Church Stretton is another good example of a Charlbury-sized town which has made a success of it.

Attracting walking tourists helps to support local businesses while not clogging up the town with traffic. It should be a perfect fit for Charlbury: ok, we don't have a mountain on our doorstep like Church Stretton does, but on the other hand we have a direct train from London and our pubs are better!

There's been a fair amount of interest in setting up a WaW project in Charlbury and it would be good to get one underway. If you're interested, could I suggest you post to this thread (or drop me an e-mail or site message)? We can then get an informal meeting together and go from there.

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