get your kids to try cub scouts !

Malcolm Blackmore

Tue 14 Mar 2006, 11:14

He's 4 in May, so got a couple of years to go then!

My daughter (8) is now happily ensconced with the Brownies. And although I am more inclined to Woodcraft Folk, one probably has to go with the flow to avoid adding yet more CO2 to the atmosphere carting them into East Oxford (where there is an active WF group, much more active and adventurous in terms of things to do than the Brownies and Cubs thereabouts from what I gather).

If there is a problem with hands on the ropes, I'm willing to help out with Beavers/Cubs, to see a local group within walking distance set up etc. I suppose that means some training?? Let me know how one would get involved, though I don't want to take on an organisational role...

Thom Haines

Tue 14 Mar 2006, 09:54

Yes there are ,there are called Beavers, they are ages 6 to 8 i think . im not sure where the nearest pack is but i could find out by friday. i'll post the awnser then for you .

Malcolm Blackmore

Mon 13 Mar 2006, 23:25

I gather there are pre-cubs, for the really little 'uns. What age do they start at?

Thom Haines

Mon 13 Mar 2006, 16:54

Thursday nights . 6.15 til 7.45. charlbury scout hut . Stonesfield and Charlbury Cub Scouts . Call Bernie on 01608811362 . Evening only

Thom Haines

Mon 13 Mar 2006, 16:50

Are your kids between 8 and 10 1/2 ? Would you like thursday evening free ? sent them to cubs, we have a growing pack but we can always do with more ! even if your child 6 or 7 , keep us im mind !

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