Slow broadband in Charlbury over last couple of days

Geoff Belcher

Fri 14 Sep 2012, 18:10

I use Talk Talk, just done the test, 13.2 mb down ,8mb up.
Thats not to bad!! Its been like that for quite a while.
Never had much of a problem with them despite all the anti Talk Talk a while ago

Simon Tibbitts

Fri 14 Sep 2012, 15:14

Hi Caroline.

I use Zen, they are not cheap, but I think they are the best in the UK, couldn't recommend them more.


John Munro

Fri 14 Sep 2012, 13:08

That test indicates I am getting 15.4mb down here in Shilson Lane courtesy of BTBroadband...

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Fri 14 Sep 2012, 11:46

For a new customer, it's best to talk to them (they are friendly folk in Chippy!) about the best rates for your needs, though. And if you have a technical problem, you can speak to their hands-on people in Manchester. I once had a problem which was really nothing to do with them, and all to do with my computer settings, but they spent ages sorting it all out for me.

And they are very good at ringing you back at their expense.

13 Mb/s as I write. Test yours at

Andrew Chapman

Fri 14 Sep 2012, 08:59

Phone Coop thirded - very little down-time and always up again quickly. But pricey.

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Thu 13 Sep 2012, 16:24

Yup. The Phone Coop are brilliant, and very accessible. No problems at all during all this hassle with BT. Download speed 12391 as I write, and I must be a mile from the exchange. The Phone Coop router, and my old Netgear router, both still work fine.

Matthew Greenfield

Thu 13 Sep 2012, 16:05

The Phone Coop is excellent. Probably not the cheapest but good customer service and no problems with download speed. Local (sort of) not too corporate.

Caroline Shenton

Thu 13 Sep 2012, 11:23

We have had a completely flaky connection from AOL for the last four months. We've finally had enough, with two days offline (only just restored) and I'm changing provider today. Any suggestions welcome - any one use Zen Broadband?

Jackie Hague

Thu 13 Sep 2012, 10:46

Hello all, we lost our connection entirely last Saturday. On Monday, we learned from Plusnet that BT had been upgrading cables in the area to improve broadband speed and that this work was completed on Saturday afternoon. Our old router - a BT Voyager - was unable to cope with the upgrade which meant we lost our connection. We received a new router from Plusnet yesterday afternoon and sure enough we are back on line and the speed has improved.

Alex Flynn

Wed 12 Sep 2012, 22:14

To Russell - even between 8 and 9am? I can understand 8 o'clock in the evening, but not first thing in the morning!

To Jon - thank for the insight.

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Wed 12 Sep 2012, 10:22 (last edited on Wed 12 Sep 2012, 12:15)

Perhaps if you use a phone company whose exchange cabling is 'unbundled' you get better service. My download speed is 11843 Kbits/s in Market Street...

russell robson

Wed 12 Sep 2012, 10:21

We've had poor speeds and regular disconnection on both Plusnet and Talktalk for a couple of months.

BT may be doing some work or it might be just too many people sucking too much data through the exchange.

Perhaps we should all go to the meeting on the 4th October.

Alex Flynn

Wed 12 Sep 2012, 09:51

to clarify, there is not enough bandwidth not "tree". Bloody autocorrect!

Alex Flynn

Wed 12 Sep 2012, 09:46

I'm talking about not even fast enough to run the iPlayer - trying to catch up on Dragons' Den is proving a challenge. Are BT up to no good once again i.e. charging a bomb for a practically unusable service. Have tried restarting the home hub, but to no avail. The iPlayer says tree s not enough bandwidth

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