Ann Harper

Mon 12 Nov 2012, 20:28

The scam I posted a few weeks ago was featured on Radio 4's Money Box Programme only this time it was "Your Bank" calling with some story about needing your cards as they were being cloned or misused. Don't fall for it!

River Tarnell

Tue 11 Sep 2012, 10:37

This doesn't need a tapped phone or recording equipment -- it works because when you hang up a landline, the connection is not terminated until both sides have hung up. So you put the phone down, then the person at the other end of the phone plays a dial tone, and while you think you're making a new call, you're in fact still on the original call.

Ann Harper

Mon 10 Sep 2012, 17:46

I friend of mine has been caught out by an amazingly sophisticated scam (and no it's not me) but the consequences are very serious. This friend had over £1,000 taken from her account and believe me she is a very savvy lady. I give below the police advice. I wouldn't want anyone else to get caught out.

"There is a highly sophisticated criminal gang operating in UK. They telephone saying they are from the Serious Fraud Squad and your bank cards have been cloned (or something to this effect). They give you a reference number and ask you to dial 999 to verify their call and you will then be put back to caller. However, either your phone is tapped or convincing recording equipment is being used. Please notify the police immediately by using your mobile phone (not your land line)."

The Metropolitan Police recommend downloading their booklet on scams: The Little Book of Big Scams. Please pass this on to friends.

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