Missing Tabby Cat: Market Street

Anne-Claire Loftus

Wed 8 Aug 2012, 18:24


Caroline Shenton

Wed 8 Aug 2012, 17:03

Marmite has been located and will be going to the Vet tomorrow. Thank you!

Caroline Shenton

Mon 6 Aug 2012, 18:00

Our 14 year old tabby cat, Marmite has not been home for a week. Marmite is a small neutered tom with attractive 'mackerel' markings. He does not wear a collar as he has always pulled them off, but he is microchipped. We are concerned about him because he has been showing signs of dementia and does not always remember to eat. This means that he has been losing weight and needs vitamin injections from the vet to keep his appetite up. We are now concerned that he has forgotten where he lives.

If anyone is feeding a rather skinny but adorable tabby cat with a vacant expression, please could you contact me through the website or phone 810855. Kind people feeding him may be preventing him from coming home where we can capture him and take him to the Vet for his overdue vitamin booster and general checkups.

Thank you

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