AOL e-mail accounts being hacked?

john h

Tue 10 Jul 2012, 19:15

Beware the ""Man from Microsoft"" is making his phone calls again 9;15 today, had to once again tell him not to be so silly, or words to that effect

Simon Walker

Tue 10 Jul 2012, 08:51

A word of caution, maybe ....

Over the past couple of weeks, I have received a number of e-mails that have (No subject) as the subject line, and then contain just a link when you open the message. I checked with one of the senders - who I know - and he confirmed that his e-mail account had been hacked, so I guess the others had been as well. The common thread here is that all of the e-mails came from people with AOL addresses, so maybe some entrepreneurial chap has found a vulnerability in the AOL system that gives easier access to its e-mail accounts.

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