BT Infinity

Alex Flynn

Thu 5 Jul 2012, 19:12

Thanks for that nugget of information Linda.


Thu 5 Jul 2012, 12:58

dave wells

Mon 2 Jul 2012, 20:42

aren't we all aging - whatever our age ?

Harriet Baldwin

Mon 2 Jul 2012, 15:44

Alex, you've obviously hit on the problem with my parents' landline - the technology's too old! That's why the BB works and the phone doesn't and BT have spent 2 weeks now apparently trying to fix it.

Mike Williams

Mon 2 Jul 2012, 13:02

Hi Alex, my post looks much more sarcastic now than it did at 5.00am this morning. It was intended as fun. You seem to have a reasonably thick skin, so I hope I haven't offended :-)

I agree with Richard that the New/Old/Ruling/Ruled debate is a bit dull but I do like a bit of banter. As long as we don't get too personal.

I'm still up for those lessons at the Memorial Hall by the way. And it'll cost you a few beers to find out why my bb download is so fast ;-)

Alex Flynn

Mon 2 Jul 2012, 11:32

@ Mike Williams - I wouldn't have the patience! Hats off to you and anyone who does though!

Alex Flynn

Mon 2 Jul 2012, 11:30

@ River Tarnell - I appreciate that the ruling classes has nothing to do with why Charlbury doesn't have BT Infinity. I just thought I'd throw that one in for the hell of it!

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Mon 2 Jul 2012, 10:32

Oh, please let's not start this one again...

Bryan Silman

Mon 2 Jul 2012, 06:29

Old Charlbury v New Charlbury. i think Alex F, that you think
all the ageing population have a lap top etc. etc. if you went
around Charlbury not many OAPs would have one, i spent a lot of
years around the town,and knew a lot of people, but when i look
on the forum there is not one name i know, what you must under stand
that in village life, when new faces come in and take over, the ageing
population go back in to there shell. i may be barking up the wrong
tree, but thats what i think.

Bryan Silman,

Mike Williams

Mon 2 Jul 2012, 04:46

Hi Alex, I get 18Mbit/s down and 0.9 up. More than enough for me. And Charlbury is full of wood pigeons. Though, I admit we are short of carrier and homing pigeons.[Writes reminder: How can Cameron help?]

PS How are Alice and Johnny? They never write.
PPS I've checked out some of the ageing population and they'd love you to teach them how to do email and Skype, and then, maybe, move on to Social Networking and Interactive Gaming. Ordering repeat prescriptions was also on the list. Please let me know your availability asap. The Memorial Hall gets very booked up at this time of year.

River Tarnell

Mon 2 Jul 2012, 02:00

While I'm normally all in favour of railing against the ruling classes, in this case it has nothing to do with that; rather, BT, as a private, profit-making company, will only deploy fttc / fttp (the technology Infinity is built on) to areas where they will make the most profit. This mostly means urban areas with high-density housing which is already served by Virgin Media, their main competitor. The Charlbury exchange is tiny (less than 1,500 residential properties) and unlikely to be worth what it would cost BT to deploy fttc here... so they don't.

PS: when i wrote "fttc", it should be "FTTC" in capitals, but the forums software think I'm "shouting" when I spell it properly and won't let me post.

Alex Flynn

Sun 1 Jul 2012, 20:05

Meanwhile, in the main, Charlbury continues to be dominated by ruling classes

Alex Flynn

Sun 1 Jul 2012, 20:00

As Infinity 2 is released on the 5th July, I am reminded how Charlbury still doesn't have Infinity 1 let alone 2!

Along with only the basic Digital TV Channels we really are being technoligically deprived! There are times when its as if Charlbury only exists within its' own bubble whilst the rest of the technological world buzzes along.

I think some people in Charlbury (mainly the ageing population) are only too happy to be stuck in the past. Their lack of interest (their 'as long as I can send an email or Skype Alice or Johnny in Australia' attitude) may well be what is holding the rest of us back. There are times when it's if Charlbury has only just said gooodbye to the wood pigeon! Hell not even the postman turns up before 2pm some days!

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