Farmers' Market

David Homewood

Sun 10 Jun 2012, 19:57

Try Peach Croft Farm Radley Abingdon OX14 2HP for the best asparagus around ! (grown by my family)

russell robson

Sat 9 Jun 2012, 21:45

I brought the aspargus, that was more local than the Co-ops, and it tasted very good.

It is down to the members of Thames Valley Farmers Markets, and their traders, where and when they attend, I believe.


Sat 9 Jun 2012, 21:09

Another two words for Farmers market - very expensive!

Brigid Sturdy

Sat 9 Jun 2012, 20:27

Could something be done to attract a better class of vegetable-seller to the Farmers' Market? I noticed that the people there today, whom I've never rated particularly highly, were offering thin, sprue asparagus at £4 for two bunches - a blatant rip-off, as identical bunches (in their plastic packets) were on sale at £3 for two at the Co-Op.

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