Quiz questions

Simon Walker

Fri 1 Jun 2012, 22:34

Looks good to me .... having run through violins, pianos, drums, flutes and a bunch more, organ fits the bill (and could, of course, have medical connections on its own ....)

Roger Ford

Fri 1 Jun 2012, 20:20

That looks good Ian, thanks.

Ian Taylor

Fri 1 Jun 2012, 14:29

I was thinking "sages" for the wise men until I got around to reading Simon's post about magi. I think it's an anagram of "organ" and "magi" which gives ANGIOGRAM. I think.

Teresa Duester

Fri 1 Jun 2012, 13:12


Simon Walker

Fri 1 Jun 2012, 12:57

How about 'imaging'?

Roger Ford

Fri 1 Jun 2012, 08:52

Thank you both for your efforts.
Still clue 1 to do, however.

Hamish Nichol

Thu 31 May 2012, 17:47

Clue 2) Sluice (Anagram of 'I'[me] and 'clues'[hints])

Simon Walker

Thu 31 May 2012, 16:55

The wise men are the Magi, and I wonder if Magdi Yacoub - the heart surgeon - is somehow involved. I can't get the musical instrument that would go into the mix, though.

Roger Ford

Thu 31 May 2012, 11:57

The answers to this quiz are 'Hospital connections'.

e.g. 'Ignore an alien' = BLANKET.

Clue 1) 'Mixed musical instrument with the wise men'
Clue 2) 'Arrange me with hints'

Any offers please?

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