'Human Waste'

Andrea Swinburne

Sun 27 May 2012, 18:19

We are pretty sure it's coming from the building site next to us on Lees Heights or wherever they are up there. As when the builders are back & the porter loos are back - we get the human waste dumped. None of my emails or telephone conversations have been logged at the West Oxfordshire council. I do feel they are just ignoring the situation. Liz, if you hadn't of called them, I'm pretty sure the 'bag' would be still down there. So thank you for doing that, as the air around that area was a little ripe!

Liz Leffman

Tue 22 May 2012, 19:48

I called WODC today and asked them to sort it and I understand that it was removed this afternoon. Please let me know if this happens again

glena chadwick

Tue 22 May 2012, 15:30

A fairly long time ago (eight years ?) WODC set up what they called a 'hit squad' to provide an instantaneous (sp.?) response to fly tipping or fly posting. This is what started off my campaign to retain the right of local organisations like the church or scouts etc. to put up roadside boards as they swept all these away in their zeal. It might be worth asking them what has happened to this hit squad.

Andrea Swinburne

Sat 19 May 2012, 16:45

Council will not clear away the human waste until mid next week. Have no out of hours service. They tell me that someone will call me on Monday in regards to the fly tipping & this particular issue. Lets just hope the bag doesn't get burst in the mean time?!

Andrea Swinburne

Fri 18 May 2012, 16:33

Yet again I have another dust bin bag full of human waste left this time at the end of Woody Lane by the bin. I contacted the council to come and remove it but as far as I know, hasn't been done yet. Will this take the council a week to clear up again? Also, the waste hasn't got the extra protection of been inside a thicker bag this time. So will be easier to burst. I have put a notice on the bag to warn people of it's contents. I have also (quite a while ago) written to the council to investigate this matter. But have had no response as this is the 4th bag that's been left along side other fly tipping.

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