New Telephone Numbers

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Thu 14 Jun 2012, 10:52

To follow up... I emailed the surgery using the email link on their website. It has bounced after a week of repeated attempts:

This is the mail system at host

I'm sorry to have to inform you that your message could not
be delivered to one or more recipients. It's attached below.

For further assistance, please send mail to postmaster

If you do so, please include this problem report. You can
delete your own text from the attached returned message.

The mail system connect to[]: Connection timed out
Reporting-MTA: dns;
X-Postfix-Queue-ID: F04CA31905F
X-Postfix-Sender: rfc822;
Arrival-Date: Sat, 9 Jun 2012 04:48:37 +0100 (BST)

Final-Recipient: rfc822;
Original-Recipient: rfc822;
Action: failed
Status: 4.4.1
Diagnostic-Code: X-Postfix; connect to[]:
Connection timed out


I put a copy of my email in the surgery letterbox last weekend, and asked to be given the correct email address as my email was bouncing. If there was a problem, I asked to be phoned. No correct email address and no phone call.

Kat Patrick

Fri 1 Jun 2012, 19:32

I was really unwell on Monday with strep throat, and took more than 100 tries to get through: 25 minutes. That's totally unprofessional and, frankly, ridiculous. No queueing system? What planet are these people on!!!!!!

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Thu 31 May 2012, 15:52

Susie: I seem to remember it took a week or so for the error message to come. I have updated their listing now so that the information accords with what is on their website, so you'll find the new email address there now. Let's hope it works.

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Thu 31 May 2012, 13:15

I tried the one that is listed on their Business page! My case rests! But I didnt get a non-deliverable message either.

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Thu 31 May 2012, 08:32

Susie, which address did you try? They had an email address for Wesley on their website till recently, which bounced after a few days, but now they list a new one on their website:

The 0844 number was installed by a company that persuaded a lot of doctors (or their managers) to install systems which would be paid for by their patients every time they made a call. And the longer you waited, the more you paid. The doctors got a small cut too, I believe, and the company certainly made its profit. Doctors have been under considerable pressure from government and consumer and patients' groups to give up these schemes, and it seems most now have. The number was very expensive to call from a mobile, and most inclusive call deals for landlines specifically excluded premium rate (including 0844) numbers.

A surgery does not have to have such a crude system as ours (one phone on the end of a line) but they have presumably decided not to spend the money.

There is a patients group, and it would be useful if they would share their thoughts here and say what consultation/discussion, if any, they have had with the doctors.

To their credit, the surgery has a good online system for ordering repeat prescriptions.

Now it ought to be possible to email your doctor, even if the reply is by phone.

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Wed 30 May 2012, 23:51

I did email Wesley to ask him if he wanted the numbers updated on the Charlbury Medical Centre page - but got no reply! I do feel that are a bit short changed here with regard to the practice. Most of people at work are able to ring the day before, for an appointment the following day, without having to wait "for the appointments to be released". If we could all ring and get an appointment when we wished, then you wouldnt all be dialing at the same time, and hence not having to re-dial. The practice should have a users group where suggestions could be put to the practice on better efficiencies.

Helen Holwill

Tue 29 May 2012, 11:47

Yes, I gave feedback too. Like Kat, I liked the queuing, and it seemed clear and fair.

Helen Chapman

Tue 29 May 2012, 11:21

Helen, good to know I'm not the only one. I did tell the receptionist what I thought when I got through yesterday and she explained it was the queuing itself people objected to previously, not just the fact it wasn't a local number.

Helen Holwill

Tue 29 May 2012, 09:02

Yes, I agree. I've just done the same - redialled about 15 times to find it is engaged. When I finally got through the phone rang for several minutes and then I was cut off. I think it will be important for us all to give the surgery direct feedback on this so that a compromise can be reached. I wonder if a queuing system can be set up on the new number.

Helen Chapman

Mon 28 May 2012, 20:05

I can't say that I find the change to a local number very helpful. Now instead of going straight into a queue when you ring at 8am for an appointment, and waiting say a maximum of 5 minutes, you have to try over and over and over again to get through. This morning I wanted to get an appointment for my 9 month old who'd had a high fever all weekend, and I was redialling for a solid 20 minutes before I got through. Luckily there was still an appoinmtment available, but they could easily all have gone. What was a fair first come first served system is now total pot luck.

Kat Patrick

Sat 5 May 2012, 23:58

Hallelujah! Prayers can be answered! The change to 0844 was never satisfactorily explained to me, and now I'll finally be able to use my free local call plan to call the surgery. To be fair, I found the queuing system generally good, except those times when it was overloaded and I had to pay for a good minute or so of recordings and being on hold before I found out I'd have to call back at another time. (Oh no -- I've just realised this new number is very similar to my home number: am I now destined to get a bunch of people calling me by mistake??!!!!!)

Charlie M

Fri 4 May 2012, 08:28

I wonder why the surgery number had to be a completely new number? They could instead have returned to the original surgery number, 01608-810210, which, bizzarely, is still there, directing you to call the (thankfully!) now defunct 08444 number.

Amanda Epps

Wed 2 May 2012, 19:34

The new numbers are also in the Witney Gazette and on the door of the Medical Centre, although I walked in twice past them. It will be in the Charlbury Chronicle and the firm organising the change are meant to write to patients.

Robin Smith

Wed 2 May 2012, 17:39

Was in the Oxford Mail on Monday amazingly!

Geoff Belcher

Thu 26 Apr 2012, 07:40

Where has this been advertised, I can find no mention of it on the Medical Centre webb page.
Can not remember seeing anything in the waiting room.

Charlotte Penn

Thu 26 Apr 2012, 05:36

About time!

Alan Hanks

Wed 25 Apr 2012, 16:56

For those who may not have seen or heard, from 12 noon tomorrow Thursday 26th April 2012, the
Charlbury Medical Centre will have new local phone numbers:
Reception / Appointments : 01608 - 811680
Dispensary: 01608 - 819329
Secretary: 01608 - 819323

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